Sales Creatio, team edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Managing the functional roles

To define access to objects and system operations, set up the organizational and functional roles for users.

Organizational role is a company unit, department or subdivision, such as “Boston Office Sales Department” or “Washington Office HR Department”.

Functional role reflects employee job title, such as “Sales Managers”.

A functional role can include one or more organizational roles. For example, “Sales Managers” role can include organizational roles like “Boston Office Sales Department” and “Washington Office HR Department”.

Use the functional roles to set up the same access rights for all the employees of a certain job title regardless of the company subdivision they work in. For example, you can set up the [Opportunities] section to only be accessible to sales managers working in the Boston and Washington offices of the company.

Please refer to the following articles to make a certain section of the system be accessible for a functional role:

How to add and set up functional roles

How to give access to sections

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