Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Synchronization of user accounts and roles with LDAP

Synchronization with an LDAP directory can be used to automate the user account administration in bpm’online. Users whose accounts are synchronized with LDAP, can use their domain user name and password to log in to the system.

The synchronization procedure can be divided into three stages:

1.LDAP integration setup. Performed once, unless LDAP directory structure changes. The setup is needed to enable the synchronization functionality in the system. Also, you will need to set up Active Directory user filtering.


Bpm’online supports the following LDAP implementations: Active Directory and OpenLDAP.
This article describes the LDAP configuration process for Active Directory.

2.Connecting bpm’online items (i.e. users and organizational structure elements) to the respective items in the LDAP directory. It is performed when adding new users or organizational roles. You can connect existing bpm’online user accounts or import users from LDAP directory by automatically creating connected records in bpm’online.

3.Synchronization of bpm’online users and organizational structure elements with the connected LDAP directory elements. This is needed to update data in the system in order to reflect changes that occurred in the LDAP directory since the last synchronization. The regular synchronization is performed either automatically, or when initiated by the [Synchronize with LDAP] action in the [Organizational roles] section.


Each organizational role is an element in a tree-like structure of roles, where each element is an organization or a department.


LDAP integration setup

Setting up Active Directory user filters

Connecting LDAP elements to bpm’online users and roles

LDAP synchronization


See also

Users and roles management

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