Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.


Why not all Active Directory users were imported in bpm’online after synchronization?

Why a user cannot log in under domain account after setting up LDAP?

Why not all Active Directory users were imported in bpm’online after synchronization?

By default, during the LDAP synchronization, all Active Directory users  are imported in bpm’online. If all users were not imported, try the following options:

Check filter conditions. There may be syntax errors in the settings or not all groups specified.

Active Directory roles or groups may have changed for the users. There users are not treated as new. Try modifying filtering conditions or import these users manually.

These users also may have been previously imported, but removed from roles/groups, or simply deleted. Since the users are not recognized as new, they will not be displayed in the synchronization filter.

Why a user cannot log in under domain account after setting up LDAP?

If bpm’online is deployed on-site, you need to edit the Web.config file in the website root directory. Specify authentication providers as values of the auth providerNames parameter:

auth providerNames = "InternalUserPassword,Ldap,SSPLdapProvider"

After making changes, restart the LDAP synchronization.

See also

LDAP integration setup

LDAP synchronization

Windows authentication

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