How to add a new user in bpm’online
To add a new bpm’online user and start working with it in the system:
1.Register the contact for whom a new user is added.
3.Include the user into the needed role.
4.Distribute a license to the user.
To add a new contact:
1.In the [Contacts] section, click the [Create contact] button.
2.Populate the contact page and click [Save].
As a result, a new contact will be added to the system. Now you can create a user for this contact.
Besides manual input, contacts can also be created automatically, for example, through data import.
To add a new system user:
1.In the system designer, click the [System users] link (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Switching to the user management section
2.On the displayed page, from the [Create] menu, select the needed user type, for example, [Company employee].
You can register a self-service portal after obtaining the corresponding license.
The [Type] field is populated with the value selected when adding the new record and remains uneditable before you save the record. After you save the record and reopen the new user page, you will be able to edit the type.
3.On the displayed page, fill in the required fields:
[Contact] – the contact for whom the user is created;
[Username] – the username to log in to the system;
In the [Password], [Password confirmation] fields, specify the password for the user.
If you use the LDAP authentication, select the [LDAP authentication] checkbox and specify the username from the LDAP lookup in the [Username] field. The lookup in this field contains the list of LDAP users that have not yet been synchronized with bpm’online.
4.Save the page.
As a result, a new user will be added to the system.
Give the user access to system data and functionality so the account can be fully operational. To achieve that, specify one or several roles that the user is included to.
To include the user into a role:
1.In the system designer, click the [System users] link.
2.On the user page, go to the [Roles] tab.
3.On the [Organizational roles] and [Functional roles] details, specify the roles that the user has to be included to. For example, if the user works in the accounting department of your company, specify the following organizational role – “Accountants“.
As a result, the user will be granted all the permissions specified for that role.
How to distribute a license to the user
Only licensed users have access to the system functionality. To distribute a license to the user:
1.In the system designer, click the [System users] link.
2.On the user page, go to the [Licenses] tab.
3.In the licenses list, select the license to be distributed.
Fig. 2 Distributing the license to the user
As a result, the user will be granted the license for the selected product.
If you do not have licenses, you need to download them. Bpm’online licensing is described in a separate article. Read more >>>
See also
•Managing the functional roles
Video tutorials