Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Feature Comparison for supported phone systems

Phone systems ntegration largely depends on the type of phone system. By default, bpm'online is integrated with Webitel telephone service. You can set up integration with other phone systems, if needed. Below is a feature comparison table for different phone systems.

Phone system features

Phone systems that support TAPI

Cisco Finesse







Caller ID for incoming calls

Displaying information about an incoming call, searching contact/account by phone number









Outgoing calls

Initiating outgoing calls from bpm'online









Pick up

Ability to receive incoming calls in bpm'online









Place on hold, resume calls

Ability to place calls on hold and resume calls placed on hold









End calls

Ending calls (hang up) in bpm'online









Status management

Ability to set statuses, such as “Ready”, “Away”, “Busy”, etc. The available statuses depend on the type of telephone system.









Transfer calls

Ability to transfer of calls










Saving information about calls in the “Calls” section: agent name, subscriber account/contact, call duration.









Built-in phone

Ability to make calls from a web browser without the need to use desktop phone.









Call replay

Ability to listen to recorded calls using bpm'online interface









Telephone system versions

All phone systems that work

using TAPI 2.0

Cisco Finesse 9.1+

AES v5.2-7+







1 – If a call is routed through UCCX while using CUCM, then number identification is unavailable due to TAPI limitations.

2, 3 – In certain situations, if calls are made from bpm'online, the user must receive an incoming “system“ call first before initiating an outgoing call. This depends on the software or hardware phone version/model.

4 – Fully supported, if the operator is using CallWay software phone. If other IP phones are used, then to make a call from bpm'online, an operator must respond to incoming “system“ call.

5 – Not all software/hardware phones support this feature.

6 – Only supported, if the operator is using CallWay software phone.

7 – The following 2 statuses are available: “Ready” and "Do not disturb" (DND). Currently unavailable for Cisco.

8 — Because of limitations Avaya API has only 2 states Log in and log out (AgentLoggedOn and AgentLoggedOff), and an answer on status change request.

See also

Available Webitel base phone integration settings

How to integrate with Oktell

How to integrate with Asterisk

How to integrate with Cisco Finesse

How to integrate with TAPI

How to integrate with CallWay

How to integrate with Infinity

How to integrate with Avaya


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