Business processes of the Execution phase
Execution phase consists of two deliveries, which are logically related functionality blocks, developed and submitted to the Client’s workgroup for testing. The phase has four sub-processes (Fig. 20):
1.Performance control – Project Manager, Business Analyst Team Lead and Developer Team Lead oversee the execution and deadlines of phase steps.
2.Project team management – Project Manager ensures the efficiency, performance and meeting the deadlines.
3.Delivery implementation – a cycle of development, testing and delivery of functional blocks to the Client for testing.
4.Control of preparation of the pre-production environment by the Client – after completing the deliveries, the Project Manager oversees the deployment of the pre-production environment by the Client, to pass to the next stage of the project.
Fig. 20 Schema of Execution phase processes
Business Analyst Team Lead, Developer Team Lead, Project Manager and Client’s workgroup are included in the team of the Execution phase (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21 Execution phase structure and responsibilities
See also