marketplace development guide

Certification of Marketplace solutions

Glossary Item Box

Certification of solutions is a special program for the developers of Marketplace solutions. Within the frame of the program, Creatio certifies specific solutions that meet our highest quality standards, get high net promoter scores and can be recommended to the whole community. The certification process and conditions are described in the certification process regulations document.

Advantages of the certified solutions

Certified solution badge

The Marketplace showcase displays a special “Application is certified by Creatio experts” badge.

Active expert sales

Information about the certified solutions is included in the Creatio expert commercial materials and partner networks. Certified application features are included in the examination program for Creatio sales managers. Certified Marketplace solutions are recommended for active sale, i.e., they are offered to customers proactively and not only upon customer request.

Solution quality review

All certified solutions undergo Creatio expert review and receive recommendations, e.g., for error corrections and application improvements.

Solution support tools

To assist partners with the certified solution support, Creatio enables case registration on the partner portal and case escalation that involves the support team and corresponding managers.

Solution certification process

Any Marketplace developer can apply for the certification.

The certification process consists of 5 stages:

  1. Developer certification request
    1. Developer application analysis
  2. Approval of the certification request
    1. Analysis of the solution certification priority
  3. Application quality certification
    1. Providing materials for the certification
    2. Checking the Definition of Done (DoD) for the solution
  4. Support certification
    1. Transferring the solution support to the portal
    2. Notification on implementing the support standards
    3. Support audit
  5. Regular audit
    1. Evaluating the net promoter score (NPS)
    2. Evaluating the case resolution satisfaction
    3. Case escalation analysis
    4. Support audit

The certification process and conditions are described in the certification process regulations document.

Updates of the certified solutions

When a new version is released, the certified solution should correspond to all valid quality standards and DoD. To certify the updated application, a developer should provide the same set of materials as they did for the initial certification of the solution. When publishing the update, the Marketplace team controls the DoD of the certified solution the way they do it for the products that undergo their first certification.

© Creatio 2002-2020.

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