Creatio development guide
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Server content in the file system

Glossary Item Box


Till the version 7.12.3 inclusive, information about an object for the Runtime mode was stored in the specific automatically generated class, that was inherited from the EntitySchema class (see “.NET class libraries of platform core”). For example, for the [Contact] object the ContactSchema class is generated according to the object schema.


Class generation was performed during compilation of the Terrasoft.Configuration.dll library, for example on clicking the [Compile all items] button in the [Configuration] section.

Starting version 7.12.4 information about the object for the Runtime mode is stored in the specific database (server content) located in the .\Terrasoft.WebApp\conf\runtime-data\ folder of the deployed bpm’online application.


The .\Terrasoft.WebApp\conf\runtime-data\ folder should have access permission for modification (permissions for reading and writing files and sub-folders, and deleting the folder) for the user of the IIS pool in which the application is launched. Otherwise, the bpm'online will not be able to generate server content.

The IIS pool user name is set in the [Identity] property. You can access this property via the [Advanced Settings] menu on the [Application Pools] tab of IIS manager.


For backward compatibility in version 7.12.0, object schema classes are still being generated. In the nearest versions the generation of the schema classes of the object will be disabled.

Server content generation

Primary or secondary generation of server content starts when the following actions are performed:

  • Saving the schema in the object designer.
  • Saving through section wizard and detail wizard.
  • Installing and deleting applications from Marketplace and zip archive.
  • The [Compile all items] and [Compile modified items] actions in the [Configuration] section.


When deleting schemas and packages from the [Configuration] section you need to perform [Compile all items] and [Compile modified items] actions.

When installing or updating a package from SVN, you need to perform the [Compile all items] action.


Only the [Compile all items] action performs full regeneration of client static content. Other actions lead only to regeneration of modified schemas.

Generation of client content with the WorkspaceConsole utility

Use the BuildConfiguration operation to generate the server content via the WorkspaceConsole utility. Operation parameters are listed in table 1.

Table 1. Parameters of the BuildConfiguration operation

Parameter Details
workspaceName Workspace name by default (Default).
destinationPath Folder to which the static content will be generated

Path to the web applcation from which the information about connection to database will be read.

This parameter is optional. If this value has not been indicated, the connection will be established to the database specified in the connection string of the Terrasoft.Tools.WorkspaceConsole.config file. If the value is specified, the connection will be established with the database from the ConnectionStrings.config file of the web application.


If the value is set to true, the generation of the content will be performed for all schemas. If the value is set to false, the generation will be performed only for modified schemas.

This parameter is optional. The value is false by default.

Use cases:

Terrasoft.Tools.WorkspaceConsole.exe -operation=BuildConfiguration -workspaceName=Default -destinationPath="C:\WebApplication\BPMOnline\Terrasoft.WebApp" -force=true -logPath=C:\wc\log

Terrasoft.Tools.WorkspaceConsole.exe -operation=BuildConfiguration -workspaceName=Default -webApplicationPath="C:\WebApplication\BPMOnline" -destinationPath="C:\WebApplication\BPMOnline\Terrasoft.WebApp" -force=true -logPath=C:\wc\log
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