Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Case execution

You can create and launch cases in any Creatio section. The [Opportunities], [Leads] and [Cases] sections have pre-configured cases by default. More information about contact fields is covered in a separate article.


We recommend disabling the configured business processes in a section before running a case. Otherwise, the case and the process will run in parallel.

The case configured for the section starts automatically when a new record that matches the case conditions is created. All elements that are part of the first case stage will be launched automatically.


By default, elements of a case stage are launched immediately upon transitioning to the stage. If the [When is the step performed?] field has the “After the previous step is complete” value, the element will be launched only after the element specified in the [Perform after step] field.

To advance though the case stages use the workflow bar located on the action panel. All activities, created during case execution, are displayed on the action panel as well.


You can set case transition to the specific stage according to the task result or subprocess conditions which are the steps of the current stage.

The case elements will be displayed for the user on the action panel. Perform tasks and go through the stages to achieve the goal of the case. It is not necessary to perform all the steps of the selected stage – completing the required steps will enable you to advance through the case.


A user can advance to the final “lost” stage from any stage without completing the required steps.

If the field value used for designing the case has been changed on a record page and a more suitable case exists for the new field value, the action panel will display a “Change case” button (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1  [Change case] button


To launch a new case:

1.Click the [Change case] button.

2.Select the [Launch] command.

3.Confirm the case change by clicking the [Proceed] button in the dialog window.

As a result, the record page will display the stages and activities of the new case.

What happens to case tasks if you transition to the next stage ahead of schedule

If necessary, you can advance to the next stage of the case ahead of schedule by completing only the required steps of the current stage. In this case, all unfinished tasks and case steps of the previous stages will be canceled.

What happens to case tasks if you return to the previous stage

The flexibility of the case management concept enables you to return previously completed case stages. In this case, all unfinished tasks of the current stage will be canceled, and new tasks will be created for the stage you returned to.

What happens to the case when you transition to the final stage

To complete a case, you need to complete all steps and tasks that precede the last stage. If the last stage does not contain steps, the case will be completed once the stage is selected on the workflow bar. Incomplete steps of the previous stage will be automatically canceled.

What happens to records if the stage connected to them is removed from the case

Stages of the case are associated with the steps from the lookup, specified in the [Which column to build the stages by?] field on the [Cases] tab of the section wizard. Deleting a stage means that it will no longer show up on the workflow bar. However, the corresponding record will not be deleted from the lookup. For example, the "Presentation" stage was deleted from the case in the [Opportunities] section. In this case, all the opportunities at this stage will remain on it, but without displaying the stage on the workflow bar. To continue working with the opportunity, transfer it to another case stage. That means you will not lose important data while modifying the case.

What happens to a deactivated case

The case that was deactivated will not work for new records. For those records that were created before deactivation, all stage steps will still be performed.

See also

Case properties

Case Designer elements reference

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