Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.


According to BPMN, an “event” is something that “happens” during the course of a process. The “events” affect the flow of the process and usually have a cause or an impact and in general require or allow for a reaction.

In Creatio, we view “events” as elements that start, stop or terminate the process flow. Unlike process actions, events do not perform any actual tasks themselves.

There are three types of event elements in business Process Designer:

Start events

Start events activate business processes. They normally occur outside of the corresponding processes. These events initiate a new business process instance and enable execution of all other elements on the process diagram. No process element (e.g., intermediate signals or timers) can be triggered before the start element of the corresponding process is executed.

The following start events are available in Creatio:

scr_process_designer_start_simple00022.png [Simple] event – used for starting processes manually (by a user) or running sub-processes as part of a parent process.

scr_process_designer_start_signal00023.png [Signal] event – used for running processes automatically, triggered by changes in Creatio records or events in other processes.

scr_process_designer_start_message00024.png [Message] event – used for running event sub-processes.

scr_process_designer_start_timer00025.png [Start timer] event – used for running processes automatically at specific time or according to a specific schedule.

Intermediate events

Intermediate events occur during the process flow. Intermediate events in a business process perform two primary functions: throwing and catching.

Throwing events generate or “broadcast” signals:

scr_process_designer_intermediate_generating_message00026.png [Throw message] event – generates an event that can be processed only in the current business process.

scr_process_designer_intermediate_generating_signal00027.png [Throw signal] event – generates an event that can be processed in any active business process. Signals can also run other processes.

Catching events wait until the corresponding event (such as the signals or messages) is generated by other elements:

scr_process_designer_intermediate_processing_message00028.png [Wait for message] event – used for resuming the process flow by an event generated within the same business process.

scr_process_designer_intermediate_processing_signal00029.png [Wait for signal] event – used for resuming the process flow upon changes in Creatio records or an event generated in a different process.

scr_process_designer_timer00030.png [Wait for timer] event – used for resuming the process flow after a certain period of time.

End events

scr_process_designer_end_terminate00031.png [Terminate] event immediately ends the process execution. No other element on the process diagram can be executed after an end event is triggered.

See also

[Simple] start event

[Signal] start event

[Message] start event

[Start timer] event

[Throw signal] intermediate event

[Throw message] intermediate event

[Wait for signal] intermediate event

[Wait for message] intermediate event

[Wait for timer] intermediate event

[Terminate] end event

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