Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Process events

In Creatio, you can create business processes that launch automatically on specific conditions. There are several ways to implement this, depending on the business task:

Business task

Automatic launch conditions

Implementation in process designer

Automatically launch customer onboarding process

The process runs automatically whenever a new customer account is added in Creatio

The process initial event is [Signal] in the “Object signal mode”. The signal initiates a new business process instance whenever a new record is added in the [Accounts] section. Read more>>>

Automatically send a “Thank you” email to the customer when their invoice gets paid

The process runs automatically whenever an invoice payment status changes

The process initial event is [Signal] in the “Object signal mode”. The signal initiates a new business process instance whenever a record in the [Invoices] section is modified and the value in its [Payment status] field changes to “Paid”.

Automatically update the permissions when deleting an employee from a folder

The process runs automatically whenever the connection between a folder and a corresponding contact is deleted

The process initial event is [Signal] in the “Object signal mode”. The signal initiates a new business process instance whenever a specific contact record is deleted from the “Employee in folder” object.

Automatically begin preparing for an event on specific date

The process runs automatically, on specific date at specific time

The process initial event is [Start timer] in the “Once” mode. The timer initiates a new business process instance on the specified date and time. Read more>>>

Automatically send reminders about a regular (e.g., weekly) event

The process runs automatically at regular intervals

The process initial event is [Start timer] in the “Week” mode. The timer initiates a new business process instance on the specified weekdays at specified time. Read more>>>

Send notifications about an event (e.g., webinar) automatically, whenever preparations to it are complete in a different business process

The process runs automatically, whenever a different process (e.g., “Preparation for webinar”) triggers it

The “Sending reminder” process initial event is [Signal] in the “Custom signal” mode. The process runs whenever the “Preparation for webinar” process generates the corresponding signal. Read more>>>

Automatically start the “Meeting with customer” business process for the customer from the “Corporate sale” process

The “Meeting with customer” process runs automatically as an action of the “Corporate sale” process

The “Corporate sale” process contains a [Sub-process] element with the “Meeting with customer” process specified in the [Which process to run?] field. Read more>>>

Automatically start the “Qualification” business process as part of the lead management case workflow

The process runs automatically when a user advances to a specific case stage (e.g., “Qualification”)

The “Qualification” stage of lead management case includes a [Sub-process] case element. “Qualification” business process is specified in the [Which process to run?] field.


Check Creatio marketplace for free business process templates (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5) illustrating the examples of running processes using events. Click here to download the template.

After installing the marketplace template, go to the [Process library] section, select the “Start events in business processes” process and click [Open] to view its diagram. Select a start event on the diagram to check its settings.

Fig. 1 Example of a business process that runs automatically on adding a new record in Creatio


Fig. 2 Example of a business process that runs  automatically on modifying a Creatio record


Fig. 3 Example of a business process that runs automatically, on the specific day


Fig. 4 Example of a business process that runs automatically, according to schedule


Fig. 5 Example of a business process that runs automatically, according to a CRON expression


As you can see, there are two general ways of setting up business processes that run automatically:

  • using initial events, such as [Signal] and [Start timer]

  • using the [Sub-process] element in dynamic cases and BPMN processes.

Using start events in launching processes automatically

An “initial event” is the first element on a business process diagram. These elements determine how the business process is launched. Before the initial event is triggered, the business process is inactive: it will not execute any logic or receive signals (except for the signals that activate the start event). Each time a start event is triggered, a new process instance is created in the [Process Log].

Using different types of events, you can set up business processes that will run automatically upon changes in Creatio records, when another process broadcasts a system-wide signal, or at the specified time.

Running business processes automatically on changes in Creatio data

Running business processes automatically when another process broadcasts a system-wide signal

  • A business process can broadcast a system-wide signal via the [Throw signal] intermediate event.

  • Use the [Signal] start event in the “custom signal” mode if you want your process to react to such signals.

  • The process where the signal is generated is not otherwise connected with the processes that are triggered by that signal (e.g., these processes cannot exchange parameter values).

  • When business processes are run from other processes or cases, the logic of the automatic launch is defined by the parent process or the case.

  • Read more about using custom signals in the “How to run a process from another process using signals” article.

Running business processes automatically on timer

Using parent process logic in launching processes automatically (as sub-processes)

Business processes can be executed as part of other process or case via the [Sub-process] element.

Running business processes automatically as sub-processes from other Creatio processes has the following specifics:

  • Sub-processes run as separate instances, but are connected to the corresponding instance of the parent process or case. They can exchange parameter values, e.g., receive input from the parent process and return their execution result. Read more about exchanging parameter values between a sub-process and its parent process from the “How to obtain a sub-process execution result” article.

  • When business processes are run from other processes or cases, the logic of the automatic launch is defined by the parent process or the case.

  • Using sub-processes enables running processes automatically, with custom parameters that can be populated in the corresponding [Process parameters] block of the [Sub-process] element setup area.

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