Sales Creatio, team edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Corporate sale process

Use the corporate sale process for maximum efficiency of working with opportunities. The process is based on best practices of closing long sales and prompts optimal steps on each stage of the deal.

The corporate sales business process involves working with the [Opportunities], [Activities], [Contacts] and [Accounts] sections.

The process starts with the qualification stage and continues running until the opportunity is closed. This changes the opportunity stages. The opportunity management process creates activities. As these activities are completed, their results influence the process flow.

The process consists of several stages, each stage involves certain sequence of steps:





Ending a process

Analyze and clarify the customer need based on information accumulated by bpm'online. At the Qualification stage, enter all information you have on an opportunity and prepare a presentation — the system will prompt the sequence of actions to ensure constant progress and increase the chances of eventual closing of the deal.

Introduce the client to products and services your company at the presentation stage. Coordinate the date and time of the proposal presentation. Record the results in the system and prepare a proposal that meets the client requirements as fully as possible.

At the proposal stage, familiarize the client with the prepared document, coordinate all the details and proceed to the preparation and internal approval of the contract.

When moving to the Contracting stage, the contract is sent to the client. At this stage, discuss additional details and conditions. After agreements are reached and the documents are ready, sign the contract with the client.

You can go through the process or you can skip any stage or return to a previously completed stage of opportunity.


How to work with the corporate sales process

The [Qualification] stage

The [Presentation] stage

The [Proposal] stage

The [Contracting] stage

How to complete the process

See also

Opportunities FAQ

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