Analytics in the [Orders] section
The [Analytics] view contains summary data on the section: charts, metrics, ratings, and reports.
More information about working with dashboards and dashboard setup is available in a separate article.
The [Order analytics] tab displays a summary of information about orders.
Filters set in the section will be applied to all dashboard components.
Paid orders amount | Calculated indicator displaying the total amount of payments for orders (based on the [Payment amount, base currency] field). |
Average order amount | Calculated indicator displaying the average amount of the order (based on the [Total, base currency] field). Only orders with the “Completed“ status are used for calculation. |
Unpaid orders amount | Calculated indicator displaying the expected amount of payments for orders (based on the [Total, base currency] field). Only orders with the “Unpaid“ and “Partially paid“ status are used for calculation. |
Order payment dynamics | Diagram displaying dynamics of order payments. The amount of paid orders is displayed by month the orders were completed. Only orders with the “Completed“ status are used for calculation. The data is displayed in chronological order. |
Orders by channel | Diagram displaying the number of orders by each order channel. Orders with the “Canceled“ status are not considered. |
Completed orders by owner | Diagram displaying the number of completed orders by owner. The data is sorted in alphabetical order. |
The [Orders pipeline] tab
The [Sales pipeline] tab shows how orders are grouped by status.
Filters set in the section will be applied to all dashboard components.
Orders pipeline | Diagram displaying how the number of orders is grouped by status. Orders with the “Completed“ or “Canceled“ status are not considered. |
Order amount in pipeline | Calculated indicator displaying the total amount of orders in the pipeline. |
Number of orders in pipeline | Calculated indicator displaying the total number of orders in the pipeline. |
The [Sales rep efficiency] tab
The [Sales rep efficiency] tab displays information used to analyze the efficiency of sales representatives.
Filters set in the section will be applied to all dashboard components.
Payments per sales rep | Diagram displaying how payment amounts are grouped by owner. Only orders with the “Completed“ status are used for calculation of the payment amounts. The data is sorted in alphabetical order. |
Number of active orders by owner | The diagram shows how the active orders are grouped by the owner. Orders with the “Completed“ or “Canceled“ status are not considered. The data is sorted in alphabetical order. |
Number of calls per owner | Diagram displaying how the completed calls connected to orders are grouped by owner. The data is sorted in alphabetical order. If the filter by owner is set in the section, the chart will display all calls made within orders of the selected user regardless of who is responsible for the call. |
See also