Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Order page

The order page consists of the field group containing general data, and several tabs.


Company or person that the order is generated for.


Total cost of all products in the order, displayed in the order currency. This is a non-editable field. The value is calculated automatically based on the cost of all products added on the [Products] detail.

Payment amount

The amount to be paid within the order. The value is specified in the order currency. This is a non-editable field. The payment amount is calculated automatically by adding actual payments on the [Installation plan] detail.


Current status of the order, e.g., “Planned” or “In process”.

The [Products] tab

This tab contains the list of products and services included in the order. Here you can save information about the quantity of each product, price, taxes and discount. The [Products] detail in the [Orders] section is similar to the one in the [Invoices] section.

Order product page is used to edit records on the detail.

Click the btn_chapter_mobile_wizard_new_role.png button to add products to the order. A product selection page will open. Use this page to search for products and add them to the order.

The [Order details] tab

Installment plan

This detail displays the delivery and payment sequence of the order. Each record of the installment plan indicates a payment or delivery event for an installment. An installment plan represents your arrangements regarding the delivery of goods, their payment and is basically a delivery and payment schedule. As the order moves forward, you can set the actual dates and amounts.

You can plan deliveries and payments on the actual dates or calculate each new date based on the date of the previous payment or delivery entry (e.g., payment within three days after delivery, etc.). If you change the timeframe of an existing entry, all timeframes of the subordinate entries will be recalculated automatically. Bpm’online will help calculate the expected amount within the entry as a remaining balance of the order payments and deliveries.

You can populate the installment plan either manually or via a template. Read more >>> 


Entry name, for example, “Prepaid” or “Full delivery”.

Installment type

Installment plan entry type, for example, “Delivery” or “Payment”.

Due date

Expected date of delivery or payment. It is calculated automatically depending on the previous entry date and the number of deferment days, if the “Defer from due date” or ”Defer from actual date” deferment types are selected.

Percentage, %

Expected delivery or payment amount in quantitative and percentage terms.

The values of the [Expected amount] and [Percentage, %] fields are interconnected. If you change a value in one of the two fields, the value in the other one will be changed accordingly.

When you select an installment plan entry type, these fields will automatically display the amount and percentage of the remaining balance for payments and deliveries within the order. For example, when you specify the first payment within the order, the [Percentage, %] field will display “100%“, and the [Expected amount] field will display the value of the [Total, base currency] field of the order page. If a prepaid amount of 25% from the total order amount was added on the detail, then the system will automatically set 75% value in the [Percentage, %] field and will display the corresponding amount in the [Expected amount] field. The similar way can be used to calculate deliveries.

Expected amount

Deferment type

Specify the deferment type which will be used to calculate the expected date of obligation. The “Fixed date“ value is used for the first record on the detail. The “Defer from actual date“ and “Defer from due date“ values are used to calculate the date deferred from the due or actual date of the previous obligation. When these values are selected, the [Previous entry] field becomes required. If the deferment type is “Defer from actual date“, but the actual date is not specified for the previous entry, then the deferment will be calculated from the due date of the previous entry.

Previous entry

Previous payment or delivery, whose date will be used to calculate the due date of the current payment or delivery. This field becomes required if the “Defer from due date“ or “Defer from actual date“ values are set in the [Deferment type] field.

Deferment (days)

Specify the number of days to calculate the obligation due date, starting from the date of the previous entry.

Actual date

Actual date of completed obligation. This field will be automatically filled in with the current date value when the entry status changes to “Completed“.


Products to pay or deliver during this step. Click the link to open the product distribution window where you can edit the list of products for the current step.


Current status of the entry: “Completed” or “Uncompleted” The field is filled in automatically with the “Completed” value when the actual date is set.

Actual amount

Actual amount of the payment or delivery.


Invoice connected with the current step of the installment plan.


The menu of the Installment plan detail contains additional commands in the [Use installment plan template] group that can be used to quickly create an installment plan based on a template. For example, “50% prepayment” or “Two deliveries with 80% prepayment”. Read more >>> 

The [Delivery] tab

All information on the order delivery is organized here.

Delivery type

The method of the order delivery: “Courier”, “Customer pickup”, etc.

Payment type

Order payment method: “Cash payment upon delivery”, “Non-cash payment”, etc.

Delivery address

The detail displays addresses from the customer’s account or contact page. You can choose an existing address or add a new one.


All addresses added via the [Installment plan] detail will be added to the [Addresses] detail of the customer’s account or contact page as well.

Recipient information

Brief information about the contact responsible for receiving the order: phone, name and comments.

The [Summary] tab

The tab is used for obtaining a complete order profile. Displays aggregated information from the [Products], [Order details] and [Delivery] tabs.

The [History] tab

The [History] tab contains system records connected to the order.

The [General information] tab

General information about the order.

Order number

Number of order. The system automatically generates numbers in accordance with a specified pattern. This is a non-editable field. Use the “Order number mask” system setting to customize automatic numbering of orders.


Order registration date.


The opportunity that the order is created for. If the order was created based on an opportunity, the field is filled in automatically. If the order was created manually, only opportunities connected with the same customer as the one specified in the current order will be available.

Order channel

Order source, for example, “Shopping cart”, “Mobile app”. If an order is registered by running the [Add order based on opportunity] action of the opportunity page, then the order channel will be “Opportunity“.

Planned end date

Planned date of order completion.

Actual end date

Actual date of order completion. Fills in automatically with current date upon changing order status to “Complete”.

Payment status

Order payment status, for example, “Unpaid” or “Paid”.

Delivery status

Delivery status of ordered products. For example, “Planned” or “Delivered”.


Bpm'online user responsible for working with the order and controlling the order payments.

The [Approvals] tab

The [Approvals] tab is designed to keep record of the electronic approvals of the orders. This tab works the same way in all sections. Read more >>> 


The [Leads] tab contains a list of needs (leads) connected to the selected order. It displays information from the [Leads] section.


Tasks that are connected to the order. This detail displays information from the [Activities] section. To connect an activity to an order, populate the [Order] field of the activity page.


The list of the incoming and outgoing calls that are connected with the current order. Displays information from the [Calls] section. To connect a call to an order, populate the [Order] field of the call page.


Emails that are connected to the order. To connect an email to an order, populate the [Order] field on the [General information] tab of the email page.


Documents connected to the order, for example, minutes and regulations. It displays information from the [Documents] section. To connect a document to an order, populate the [Order] field of a document page.


Invoices connected to the order. This detail displays information from the [Accounts] section. To connect an invoice to an order, populate the [Order] field of the invoice page.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab contains additional information about the order, as well as attachments and links to the web resources related to the order. Read more >>> 


Use this detail to store files and links related to the order. For example, on this detail you can add documents that reflect the customer relations history regarding the order, or some useful links.


The [Notes] detail is used to store additional text information about the order, for example, customer's comments on the order. You can edit and organize notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the order page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved.

The [Feed] tab

The [Feed] tab displays the messages connected to the current order.

See also

The order product page

The order product selection page

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