Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Dashboards] section

The Dashboards section displays data from different sections of the system. We recommend you use this section to analyze and plan the work of each employee, each department and the company as a whole.

The functionality of this section is similar to that of the Analytics view in the system sections, and is described in the Dashboards” chapter.


The [Sales rep efficiency]

The [Top performers] tab

The [Sales pulse] tab

The [Sales rep efficiency]

This dashboard displays current results of your sales representative's work, and additional summary information required to make quick yet knowledgeable decisions. The displayed data relates to the current user only

Top 5 unpaid invoices

List of 5 invoices that were issued but not paid in full. The largest invoices are displayed in descending order of invoice amount.

Upcoming payments

List of five invoices to be paid today or in the coming days. The data is displayed in ascending order of payment date.

Current month invoices by status

Diagram displaying how invoice amounts are grouped by payment status. Only invoices with the payment date in the current month are used for calculation.

Number of calls this month

Calculated indicator displaying the number of activities of the “Call” type completed in the current month.

Number of meetings this month

Calculated indicator displaying the number of activities of the “Meeting” type completed in the current month.

Number of active opportunities

Calculated indicator displaying the number of opportunities that are currently not closed.

Current month opportunities

List of eight soonest opportunities nearest to being closed in the current month. The data is displayed in ascending order of closing date.

Top 5 opportunities to close

List of five opportunities with more than a 70% probability rate. Largest budget opportunities are displayed in descending order of budget amount.

Number of overdue tasks

Calculated indicator displaying the number of incomplete activities that are overdue.

My overdue tasks

The list of 15 incomplete activities with their due time passed. The data is sorted in ascending order of activity completion date.

The [Top performers] tab

This dashboard contains ratings of sales reps, based on work results in the current month

Top 5 sales reps by paid invoices

List of the five sales reps with the largest invoices amount in the current month. The data is sorted in descending order of invoices payment amount.

Top 5 sales reps by opportunity amount

List of the five sales reps with the highest amount of closed opportunities in the current month. The data is sorted in descending order of payment amount.

Top 5 sales reps by number of meetings

List of the five sales reps with the highest number of completed activities of the “Meeting” type in the current month. The data is sorted in descending order of number of meetings.

Top 5 sales reps by number of calls

List of the five sales reps with the highest number of completed activities of the “Call” type in the current month. The data is sorted in descending order of number of calls.

The [Sales pulse] tab

The [Sales pulse] tab contains several analytical summaries that can be used to estimate current sales situation in the company.

Invoice payment dynamics

Diagram displaying monthly change of invoices payment amount. Only invoices paid in the past or current quarter are used for calculation.

Current month unpaid invoices amount

Calculated indicator displaying the total amount of all invoices except for the paid and canceled ones. Only invoices with the payment date planned in the current month are used for calculation.

Pending invoices amount

Calculated indicator displaying the total amount of all invoices that were issued but not paid in full. Only invoices with the payment date planned in the current month are used for calculation.

Draft invoices amount

Calculated indicator displaying the total amount of all invoices that are in the “Draft” status. Only invoices with the payment date planned in the current month are used for calculation.

Top 5 unpaid invoices

List of 5 invoices that were issued but not paid in full. The largest invoices are displayed in descending order of invoice amount.

Sales pipeline

The sales pipeline is used to analyze opportunities success, as well as to plan new opportunities guaranteeing future revenue. The diagram element's height corresponds to the number of opportunities with an up-to-date status. Opportunities with ”Closed lost”, ”Closed won”, ”Closed rejected” and ”Closed rerouted” statuses are not taken into account.

Stage conversion rate displays the percentage of opportunities that moved from one stage to another later stage during the specified time period. For example, during the month, 100 opportunities were at the “Needs analysis” stage, and 50 of them moved to the later stage by the end of the month. So, monthly stage conversion rate is equal to 50%.

The pipeline conversion displays the opportunities percentage at a certain stage, during the specified time period, against the total number of opportunities that started during this period. For example, 100 opportunities started during the month, and 55 of them passed the “Presentation” stage, so the monthly pipeline conversion of the “Presentation” stage is equal to 55%.

The number of opportunities displays how opportunities that started during the specified time period are grouped by stages by the end of that period. For example, by the end of the month 15 opportunities that started during the specified time period are on the “Negotiations” stage. So, the pipeline will now display 15 opportunities at this stage.

New opportunities by category

Diagram displaying how the opportunity amount changes for opportunities created in the previous and current months. The data is sorted in descending order of opportunity category.

Top 10 opportunities to close

List of ten opportunities with more than a 70% probability rate. Largest budget opportunities are displayed in descending order of budget amount.

See also


Video tutorials

Dashboards setup


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