Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The order product page

The order product page is used to edit records on the [Products] detail of the [Orders] and [Invoices] sections.


Section record number for which the product was added. This is a non-editable field.


The name of the product that was added to the record. The field is filled in with the values from the products lookup.

Unit of measure

Measuring unit for product quantity. When you select a product from the lookup, the field is non-editable and is filled in with base unit specified on the [Price] detail of the product page. You can select another unit for this field, if it was added on the [Units] detail of the product page earlier. For the custom product, you can specify a measuring unit from the common list.


Number of product units in the order.

Price list

Price list that specifies product price. The base price list is selected by default. Use the “Base price list” system setting to specify the base price list.


Price per product unit. When you select a product from the lookup, the field is filled in with the base price from the base price list that is specified on the product page. The price is converted to be displayed in the currency of the order. If you change the value in the [Price list] field, the product price will be updated automatically. For a custom product, you can specify the price manually.

This field is editable. By changing the amount in this field you can change the price of one or several items in the order (or invoice). The base price specified in the [Price] field on the product page will not be changed and the amount of the order (or invoice) will be calculated according to the changes made.


The total cost of the selected quantity of products. The field is non-editable. Its value is calculated automatically based on the price per one unit and the quantity of products.

Discount, %

The percentage and amount of discount given on the product. The values in these fields are interrelated, therefore, when you change the value in one of the fields, the value in the other field will be automatically recalculated. If you change the price and/or quantity of the product, the value in the [Discount amount] field will be automatically recalculated as well. You can also use these fields to enter markups. To do this, enter a negative value as in the [Discount,%] or [Discount amount] field.

Discount amount


Tax type. For example, “VAT“. By default, this field is filled in with the tax value from the product page.

Taxes, %

The percentage of the selected tax. The information in this field is non-editable and is filled in based on the [Taxes] lookup.

Tax amount

This is a non-editable field. The value is calculated based on the percentage of tax and total cost of the product.


The total cost of products including any applied discount. By default, it is assumed that product price includes taxes. If necessary, you can disable this option by changing the “Price includes taxes” system setting. In this case, the tax will be on top of the product price.


Currency used for the order. The field is non-editable and is automatically populated with the value specified on the order/invoice page.

Exchange rate

The exchange rate between the order’s currency and the base currency. This non-editable field is filled in automatically with the data from the [Currencies] lookup.

Specifics of product cost calculation in an order.

The cost of product in an order depends on the order currency and the currency in which base price of the product is specified in the [Products] section. Thus, if the currency of a product's initial price is the same as the order currency, the order product price will be equal to base price of the product. If the currencies are different, the product base price will be converted to order currency using the exchange rate on the date when the order was created. The conversion is first done from the currency of the product's base price to base currency, and then - from base currency to the order currency.

If order currency is changed, product prices will be recalculated.

See also

The order product selection page

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