Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Analytics in the [Products] section

The [Analytics] view contains summary data on the section: charts, metrics, ratings and reports.

The [Product analytics] tab

Product summaries.


Filters set in this section will also be applied to the dashboard components. The exception is for the [Top 5 brands by products] and [Number of brands] dashboard components.

5 new products

List of five recently added products. Products for which the [Inactive] checkbox is not selected are taken into account. The data is sorted in descending order. Recently added records are displayed at the top of the list.

Products by category

Diagram displaying the number of products divided into categories.

Number of brands

Calculated indicator displaying the total number of brands registered in bpm’online . The filter conditions applied in the section don't affect the number.

Number of products

Calculated indicator displaying the total number of products registered in bpm’online . Products for which the [Inactive] checkbox is not selected are taken into account.

Sold products by month

Diagram displaying the monthly progress of payments by products in invoices. The diagram sections display the amount of payments that is grouped by month in which the invoices were paid. The data is displayed in chronological order. Only invoices with the “Paid” payment status are taken into account.

See also



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