This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to set up rules of a med rep visit

Visit rules determine the different types of visits and med rep’s “to-do” list for each visit type.This enables you to plan med rep visits with a few clicks, as Creatio will populate the properties of each visit automatically, according to applicable visit rule.

One of the primary components of a visit rule is the med rep “to-do” list – the activities that med reps are required to complete during a visit. For example, the first step of any visit is the “Check-in“ action, which confirms that the med rep has actually arrived at the visit site. Completing this action will automatically save the information about the employee's location. Other visit activities may include presentation of new products, order placement and “Check-out“.


How to set up a med rep visit rule

How to manage med rep visit actions

How to add a presentation to a visit

How to set up a list of promoted products for med rep visits

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