How to manage med rep visit actions
Add med rep activities that must be completed during the visit on the [Actions during visit] detail of the [Field sales rules] lookup.
To add an action:
1.Open the [Field sales rules] lookup.
2.Select a rule and click (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Opening a rule for editing
3.On the rule page, expand the [Actions during visit] detail and click .
4.Populate the columns of the new record:
a.Select the visit action type: “Check-in“, “Check-out” “Presentation“ or “Number of patients”.
b.Use the [Actions priority order] column, to set up sequence of med rep activities.
c.Select the [Required] checkbox for the actions that the med rep should not be able to skip.
The visit actions are set up in the [Action types] lookup. Creatio contains a pre-configured list of actions performed during a visit to a doctor or pharmacy.
The med rep will not be able to complete the visit until all the required actions are performed.
5.Click to save the visit action.
6.Similarly, add the rest of the visit actions.
As a result, when planning visits in the [Activities] section, the [Visit actions] will be populated automatically. The list of actions on the detail will correspond to the list of actions set up in the lookup for the corresponding visit rule.
You can supplement the list of available action types by adding the needed types to the [Action types] lookup. Med rep can complete an action by toggling a switch in the mobile device. The connection between visit actions and system sections (e.g., creating a new contract based on a visit action) is carried out only through development.
The [Action types] lookup contains a pre-configured list of actions performed during a visit to a doctor or pharmacy. These actions are available by default when setting up actions for physician or pharmacy visits on the [Actions during visit] detail of the [Field sales rules] rules.
Pre-configured rules for “Visit to the doctor”
Check-in | Creatio receives GPS coordinates of the med rep's location and the visit status is changed to “In progress“. |
Presentation | Opens a PowerPoint or PDF presentation on the mobile device (the presentation must be added to the [Attachments and notes] detail of the visit record in the [Activities] section). |
Number of patients | A pharmaceutical rep, based on the information from a physician specifies the number of patients that the physician treats regularly and whose diagnoses requires treatment by the promoted product. Based on this value, the doctor is categorized. |
Promoted products | When performing this action during visits, a pharmaceutical rep, based on the information from a physician specifies how many units of promoted products has the physician prescribed since the last visit.. Based on this value, the doctor is categorized. |
Check-out | When the action is performed, the system receives the GPS coordinates of the med rep's location and the visit is assigned the “Completed“ status. |
Pre-configured rules for “Visit to the pharmacy”
Check-in | When the action is performed, the system receives the GPS coordinates of the med rep's location and the visit is assigned the “In progress“ status. |
Presentation | When the action is performed, a PowerPoint or PDF presentation will open on the med rep's mobile device if it has been added to the [Attachments and notes] detail of the visit. |
SKU Monitoring | Opens the SKU monitoring window for the med rep to enter changes in SKUs and specify whether the products are on display in a pharmacy. |
Check-out | Creatio receives the GPS coordinates of the med rep's location and the visit status is changed to “Completed“. |
See also
•How to set up a med rep visit rule
•How to add a presentation to a visit
•How to set up a list of promoted products for med rep visits