Use the mobile application settings page to:
Specify the connection parameters with the main bpm'online server
Select workplace and synchronize the mobile application
Log out of the application
Clear application cache (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1 Mobile application settings page
To connect to a different bpm'online server, enter the address in the [Bpm'online server address] field and fill in the [Username] and [Password] fields. Then tap the [Synchronization] button.
Selecting a workplace
To switch workplaces while working in the mobile application, tap the [Workplace] field and select one of the available workplaces. The mobile application will need to be synchronized again after switching to a different workplace (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Synchronizing the mobile application after switching to a new workplace
The workplaces of the mobile application are set up in the Mobile Application Wizard, which is available in the main application.
How to clear cache and synchronize
During the synchronization with the primary bpm'online application, the database structure and other information is downloaded by the mobile application.
If the database structure changes (when adding new sections and details to the mobile application), the structure is updated in the mobile application. For proper synchronization of the modified structure, delete the outdated database structure and data that are stored in the cache of the mobile application. To do so, tap the [Clear cache] button (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Clearing mobile application cache
Clearing the cache will discard all changes in the mobile application that were not synchronized with the main application. It is recommended to run the synchronization before clearing the cache.
See also
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