Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Event page

The event page consists of general data and several tabs.

Common data


Name of the event. This is a required field.


Event type, for example, “Seminar” or “Exhibition”. This is a required field.


Event status, for example, “Planned” or “In progress”. This is a required field.


Creatio user responsible for the event. This is a required field.

The [General information] tab

Start date

The start and end dates of the time period for the event.

Due date


Main goal to be achieved by the event or by your company during the event, for example, “Customer acquisition” or “Report delivery”.

Coverage area

Target area to be covered by the event, for example, “Rural areas” or “Megalopolises”.


Target industry for which the event is conducted, for example, “Insurance” or “Production”.

Actual response

Number of event participants.

Financial indicators

Indicators that show the estimated and actual expenses and revenue of your event.

Expected budget, base currency.

Estimated cost of the event in the base currency.

Actual cost, base currency

Actual expenses for the event in the base currency.

Expected revenue, base currency

Sales revenue obtained as a result of the event.

Actual revenue, base currency

Revenue from marketing resulting from the marketing campaign.


A list of contacts and accounts involved in the preparation of the marketing event.


Event name. This is a non-editable field.


Company working on the event.


Member of the event team.


The role that the contact plays within the event, for example, “Customer” or “Performer”.


Additional information about the team member.

The [Audience] tab

List of contacts participating in the event.


The name of the event for which the target audience is specified. This is a non-editable field.


Name of contact in the audience of the event.


Response to the event by a participant or an invitee, for example, “Participation confirmed” or “Participated”.


Additional information about the target audience participant.

The [Contacts] detail toolbar

The participant list menu enables you to add event participants:

[Add contact] – enables you to select or create a contact to participate in the event. This option opens the event participant page.

[Add contact folder] – add contacts from the customized folders. This option opens the multiple selection page containing folders in the [Contacts] section. The number of added contacts is displayed in the notification area.

The [History] tab


Tasks that are connected to the current event. This detail displays information from the [Activities] section. Activities are linked to events via the [Event] field of the activity page.


A list of products involved in the event.


Name of the event that the product is involved in. This is a non-editable field.


Product involved in the event.


Additional information about the product.


Emails linked to an event. Emails are linked to events manually or automatically according to the [Rules for connecting emails to system sections] lookup.


The list of marketing campaigns that an event is used in. It displays information from the [Campaigns] section. The connection between an event and a campaign is established when the event is added to the campaign flow via the [Add from event] element.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

This tab contains detailed information about the event, as well as attachments and links to the web resources related to the event. Read more >>>


Use this detail to store files and links related to the event. For example, you can attach a cost estimation sheet for the event or a presentation file.


The detail is used to store additional information about the event. You can edit and organize your lead notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the event page, the information on the [Notes] detail is saved.

The [Feed] tab

Feed messages connected to the event.

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