Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Analytics in the [Events] section

The Dashboards view contains consolidated analytics (diagrams, metrics, rating lists and reports) based on the section data.


More information about working with dashboards and dashboard setup can be found in the corresponding articles.

The [Audience] tab

This tab contains statistics related to the event participants


Filters set in this section are applied to all dashboard components.

Audience by response

Diagram displaying how the event audience is grouped by response.

Event participants with leads

Indicator displaying the number of contacts with leads, who participate in events. The diagram only shows the contacts with the “Participation confirmed“, “Participated“ or “Planned“ responses.

Event participants without leads

Indicator displaying the number of contacts without leads, who participate in events. The diagram only shows the contacts with the “Participation confirmed“, “Participated“ and “Planned“ responses.

The [Event totals] tab

Event summary statistics


Filters set in the section are applied to all dashboard components, except for the [Upcoming events].

Expected budget

Indicator displaying the total expected budget for the event in the base currency.

Actual cost

Indicator displaying the total actual costs of the event in the base currency.

Expected revenue

Indicator displaying the total expected revenue of the event in the base currency.

Actual revenue

Indicator displaying the total actual revenue of the event in the base currency.

Upcoming events

List of 5 events to be started today or later. The data is sorted by date in ascending order. The soonest events appear at the top of the list.

Events by type

Diagram displaying how events are grouped by type.

See also



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