Field sales
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

SKU Monitoring

During a visit, tap the [SKU Monitoring] action. A page will open, where you can enter the availability of products in stock and identify whether the products are on display (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17 SKU monitoring page


You can also use the smartphone or tablet camera to take a picture of products on display and attach it to the visit. To do so:

1.On the section page, click [Edit].

2.Select the [Attachments] detail.

3.Click btn_ff_add.png.

4.Select the photo you made earlier and attach it to the activity. You can also use the [Take picture] action. The mobile device will switch to its camera mode. The picture taken will be automatically added to the [Attachments] detail.

See also

Fulfilling visit agenda

Placing orders during field visits

Adding products to order during field visits

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