Field sales
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Field visits

Schedule visits of your sales reps to the sales outlets and build routes on the map using the [Visit scheduling] view of the [Activities] section.

The [Visit scheduling] view has the following functional areas:

1.List of accounts. The area displays the list of locations (e.g., sales outlets) with scheduled visits. The list includes only the accounts that have the same owner specified as the one that is selected in the calendar. You can filter the records in the accounts list by selecting the [Apply filter] option from the btn_com_roles_actions_menu.png button menu.

2.Sales rep schedule The calendar in the [Visit scheduling] view is similar to the standard user calendar. The weekday titles in the calendar have additional buttons for building daily routes for field staffsales reps on the map.

3.Route map. The map that displays the daily route of a sales rep.


Sales rep visit scheduling

Building routes

See also

Automate the planning of field visits through cyclic tasks

Set up rules and actions of a field meeting

Visit actions

Check-in performance monitoring

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