Click the button in the communication panel to open the notification center in bpm'online. In this section you will find notifications about activities or invoices, comments to your records or mentions in a corporate social network, system notifications. The number on the
button displays a total number of new messages in the notification center. Information messages are displayed on separate tabs:
– reminders created for you by activities or invoices. Read more >>>
– notifications about events connected to your posts in enterprise social network. For example, if you were mentioned in a post, received comments on your record in the feed or somebody liked it. Read more >>>
– the list of notifications that must be approved. Read more >>>
– notifications about the noteworthy events of contacts and accounts. Read more >>>
– system messages about completed actions in the system. For example, information about import results. Read more >>>
Reminders and approval notifications are active until they are processed. Feed notifications, messages about noteworthy events and system notifications are considered to be read by switching to the corresponding tab. The history of notifications is stored on the tab for a month after they are created. The read notifications are not added to the tab count nor to the common notification center count.
The period of time that read notifications are stored in the system can be modified in the "Notification storage period (days)" system setting. The period is 30 days by default.
•How to process notifications in a pop-up window
•How to work with feed notifications
•How to work with approval notifications