Use folders to organize and segment your records. Setting up folders will assist you to easily find the necessary records among multiple data. For example, in the [Contacts] section, you can create a “New customers” folder that will filter records by the contact type (“Customer”) and the record date (“Current month”). If you select a folder within a section, only the records that match folder filter conditions will be displayed. You can add your most frequently used folders in favorites.
A section record can be included into one or more folders.
Two types of folders are used in bpm’online:
Static folders (indicated with the
icon) include only those section records that have been added to these folders manually or via convertation from the dynamic folder. “VIP” or “Black list” are the examples of static folders, because the decision to include certain customers into such folders is made for each record individually.
Static folders can be used to group other folders. For example, static folder “By type” in the [Accounts] section can contain subordinate dynamic folders “Partners”, “Customers” or “Competitors”.
Dynamic folders (indicated with the
icon) contain only those section records that match the specified filter conditions. For example, you can create a dynamic folder “New customers“ for records filtered by the date they were created on.
Static folders are only available in some bpm’online sections.
Records cannot be manually included in or excluded from dynamic folders. A record will be displayed in a dynamic folder only if it matches the folder filter. If the record no longer meets the folder filter, it will automatically be excluded from that folder.
For example, your “Competitors” folder filters the records by the account type (“Competitors”). Thus, the companies for which the “Competitor” value is specified will be automatically included in the folder. If the company type changes, the record will automatically be excluded from that folder.
The folders can have a tree-like structure and contain both parent and subordinate folders. The folder structure does not affect the contents of the folders. For example, if a record is included in one of the subordinate folders, it does not necessarily mean it is included in the parent folder.
You can create the necessary folder structure and specify your own rules for the folder contents. The procedures for creating static and dynamic folders are different. Deleting a folder will not result in deleting the records contained in it.
•How to create a static folder
•How to create a dynamic folder
•How to manage favorite folders
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