Populating an account page with Facebook information
4.On the account page, expand the [Communication option] detail. Make sure that the detail contains the needed Facebook pages of the account.
5.Select the [Update with social networks data] option from the [Actions] menu (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Selecting the [Update with social networks data] action
The displayed page will contain the account data stored in bpm’online and the information from all Facebook public pages that are specified on the [Communication options] detail of the account page.
6.Analyze and select the data to add to the existing account information:
a.On the [Communication options] detail, select the communication options to be saved in bpm’online. To add a phone number, specify its type, for example, “Primary phone“ or “Extension number“ (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Selecting a communication option type
b.On the [Address] detail, enter the value in the [Address type] field. If necessary, edit the following fields: [City], [State/province] and [Country] (Fig. 3). Select the addresses to be saved in bpm’online.
Fig. 3 Selecting an address type
c.Edit the information on the [Noteworthy events] detail by specifying the event type, for example, “Company foundation day“.
d.If necessary, edit the [Notes] detail.
7.After you edit and save all the needed data from Facebook, click the [Save] button on the page.
As a result, the information will be added to the corresponding page details.
On the population page, if you deselect the information that has been previously added to bpm’online, this information will be deleted from the account page after the data population is completed and the changes are saved.
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