Creatio base
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Dashboard tiles

The following types of dashboard tiles are available in bpm’online:

Chart displays information on dynamics and/or percentages, such as monthly sales dynamics or distribution of customers by industry. Read more >>>

Metric displays a single numeric value, for example, the total number of current employees. Read more >>>

List displays a list of bpm’online records  with specific settings, such as displayed columns, filter, sorting and record limit. For example, the list can display top 3 efficient employees of your company. Read more >>>

Widget enables to apply additional widgets set up by a developer, such as exchange rate or weather widgets. Read more >>>

Gauge displays a single numeric value (much like “Metric” tiles) on a custom scale, which shows whether the value is “good” (green), “average” (yellow) or “bad” (red). This type of tile is great for displaying KPIs, such as average duration of employee’s calls, number of uncompleted activities, etc. Read more >>>

Web page displays a web page as a dashboard tile. For example, you can add a search engine page, an online currency converter or your corporate website page to a dashboard tab. Read more >>>

Sales pipeline helps to analyze transition of bpm’online opportunity records through stages (i.e. how many opportunities have moved from the “Qualification” to the “Presentation” stage, etc.) during a specific period of time. This dashboard tile is available in bpm’online products that contain the [Opportunities] section. Read more >>> 

Full pipeline helps to analyze the complete life cycle of a customer need in bpm’online by tracking both the lead and opportunity stages i.e. how many customer needs have gone all the way from the lead “Qualification” stage to the “Closed won” opportunity stage) during a specific period of time. This dashboard tile is available in bpm’online products that contain the [Opportunities] section. Read more >>> 


The “Chart” dashboard tile

The “Metric” dashboard tile

The “Gauge” dashboard tile

The “List” dashboard tile

The “Widget” dashboard tile

The “Sales pipeline” dashboard tile

The “Full pipeline” dashboard tile

“Web page” dashboard tile

See also

Dashboard tabs

Video tutorials

Dashboard setup

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