Sales Creatio, team edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Dashboard tabs

You can access dashboard tabs (Fig. 1) in the [Dashboards] view (available in all standard sections), or in the [Dashboards] section.

Fig. 1 Dashboard tabs in the [Activities] section


To create a new dashboard tab, click the btn_com_menu_gear.png button and select [New] (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Adding a new dashboard


To edit, copy, or delete a dashboard, open it and select the corresponding command in the tab area menu. The dashboard setup page (Fig. 3) will open. The page contains the [Title] field and the dashboard tile setup area.

Fig. 3 Dashboard setup page with examples of adding dashboard tiles


Dashboard setup

The dashboard setup page (Fig. 3) enables you to:

add new dashboard tiles

edit the existing tile settings

copy the existing tile

delete a tile from the dashboard

Click the [+] button of the dashboard setup area to add a new tile to a dashboard. Select the type of the tile in the button menu (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Adding a new dashboard tile


As a result, the corresponding dashboard tile setup page will open. Different settings needed for different dashboard tiles are covered in subsequent articles.


If you need to add a dashboard tile whose settings mostly repeat those of an existing one, you can copy the existing tile and change its settings.

To edit, copy, or delete a dashboard tile, select it and click the [Edit]/[Copy/[Delete]] button below the tile setup area (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Copying an existing dashboard tile



You can also double click a dashboard tile to edit it.


To save the changes after adding or editing a dashboard tile, first save the dashboard tile itself, and then save the dashboard setup page that contains the tile.

See also

Dashboard setup

Dashboard tiles

Video tutorials

Dashboard setup

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