This lookup contains a list of currencies used in mutual payments with customers, partners, suppliers, and the like.
Name | [Name] – indicate the name of the currency, for example, “US Dollar” or “Euro”. |
Code | Specify a banking code that is used for a specific currency, for example, US dollar code is 840. |
Short name | Shortened currency name, such as “USD” or “EUR”. |
Symbol | Currency symbol, such as “$” or “€”. |
Ratio | Specify the currency amount for which the exchange rate will be calculated (for example, 1, 10, 100). |
Description | Additional information about the currency. |
Show currency sign | Choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list. Choose [on the left] or [on the right] options to display the sign before or after the amount. |
[Exchange rate] detail
Information about exchange rates is stored on the [Exchange rate] detail.
Start | The starting date for the exchange rate. The start date of a new exchange rate is considered the end date of the previous exchange rate. |
Exchange rate | Exchange rate between the base currency and the current currency. Enter a value according to the currency ratio, specified in the currency card. The value for the base currency must be set to “1”. |
End | The ending date for the exchange rate. Populated automatically,when the starting date of new exchange rate is set. This is a non-editable field. |
The base currency is used to calculate the financial performance indicators, for example, it can be “US Dollar”. Use the “Base currency” system setting to select a certain base currency.
See also