Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to conduct consultations using the consultation panel

During a consultation with a client, you can create a new client record in the system and sell a product. You can also interrupt the consultation and continue it at a later time.


How to start a consultation

How to postpone a consultation

How to end a consultation

How to handle consultation results

How to start a consultation

To conduct a consultation with a customer:

1.Click the [Start consultation] button (Fig. 1). The button is available only if the client was found in the database.

Fig. 1 Beginning the consultation



If the client was not found, the consultation process will start as soon as the manager clicks the [New customer] button.


After the manager starts the consultation, the contact page will open. The system will automatically create a case, in which all consultation themes will be recorded.

2.Select the product name in the consultation panel block (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Selecting a theme in the consultation panel



When you click a theme in the consultation block, the system runs the business process specified for that theme in the [Consultation theme blocks] lookup.

How to postpone a consultation

Click the [Postpone] button (Fig. 3) to postpone a consultation for a later time.

Fig. 3 Postponing a consultation with client


The consultation timer will pause and the postponed consultation will appear in the [Continue consultation] block.


The [Continue consultation] block can contain multiple postponed consultations.

Click the [Continue] button in the [Continue consultation] block (Fig. 4) to resume the selected consultation.

Fig. 4 Resuming a consultation


How to end a consultation

To complete the consultation, click the [End] button (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Completing a consultation


The status of the consultation will be changed to “Closed”.

How to handle consultation results

After you complete a consultation, a page will open where you can enter the consultation results and close the corresponding case (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Page for entering the consultation results


To enter results for the consultation:

1.Click the btn_chapter_mobile_wizard_new_role.png button on the [Consultation themes] detail.

2.Select the consultation theme in the [Theme] field.

3.Enter result of consultation regarding the selected theme in the [Result] field.

4.Click the [Complete] button.

See also

The [Cases] section

The [Contacts] section

Consultation panel setup

Client search


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