Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Cases] section

The [Cases] section is designed for managing consultations, incidents, complaints, claims and service requests received by the contact center. It enables you to register cases, track their statuses, add information about case resolution, and store customer feedback information. In addition, the section provides summary information to analyze the cases.


The section has several views:

  • btn_com_list_view.png – list of cases. Displays consultations, service requests and incidents as a list of records. All list columns are described below in the Case page chapter.

  • btn_com_analytics.png – displays charts, indicators and ratings that can be used to analyze the cases. Read more >>> 

Case categories

By default, there are two case types:

  • Consultation is an inquiry about bank products and services received by the contact center. Consultations cover everything from inquiries regarding opening a bank account to questions about nearest ATM locations.

  • Service request is a case created as a part of a standard service operation. For example, a request for a new user workplace or phone setup.

  • Incident is a case that is not a part of a standard service operation. It may cause a service disruption or reduction of service quality. For example, a request to repair hardware or restore telephone communication.

The case category is specified in the [Category] field of the case page. Use the [Case categories] lookup to create additional categories.


By default, the list only displays cases that are assigned to the current user and not closed. Cases that are “not closed” are cases whose status is not final (by default, “Closed“ or “Canceled“). You can define final statuses in the ”Case statuses” lookup.

The following quick filters are available in the section:

  • [Assignee] – filters records by the [Assignee] field of the case page;

  • [Show closed cases] – extends the case list with cases that are in the final status.

Case management process

Case management process consists of a number of sub-processes. Read more >>>

To process cases, use the workflow bar and action panel at the top of the case page. Advance the case workflow stage by clicking the corresponding stage on the workflow bar.


By default, the lead management is performed by a business process. To be able to work with a case workflow in a more flexible way, disable the default business process and set up the case in the case designer.

You can change the case status using the workflow bar (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Case status change


You can manage activities created when processing a case via the action panel on the case page. Processing details, case management history and other required information are available on the dashboard.

The action panel enables you to:

btn_com_workflow_card_email.png – compose a new email message to the contact who submitted the case.

btn_com_workflow_card_action.png – schedule a task.

btn_com_workflow_card_feed_message.png – post an internal message in the feed for the current case. This feed post will be visible to Creatio users only and will not be seen by the customer portal users. Use feed internal messages to discuss case solution with the team. Internal messages have all the functions of standard feed posts. Enter the "@" symbol followed by contact name to create a link for that contact in the post.

btn_com_workflow_card_call.png – record call results .

btn_com_workflow_card_portal_message.png – post a message on the customer portal for a case. By default, this message is shown to the customer portal users. When you reply to a portal message, the customer will be notified by email.


You can set up closing the case page and transferring to the list of the [Cases] section after you modify the page and save your changes. To do this, select the [Close on save] checkbox in the [Case statuses] lookup. Read more >>>


Case page

Case profile

The [Processing] tab

The [Closure and feedback] tab

The [Case information] tab

[Timeline] tab

[Attachments and notes] tab

The [Feed] tab

Preliminary settings

How to create a case

Case management process

How to notify the assignee/assignee group about the case

How to process a case

Customer satisfaction (CSAT)

How to calculate response and resolution time

Dashboards in the [Cases] section

Case lookups

Predictive case routing

Case FAQ

See also

Record pages

Video tutorials

Application processing

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