Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Update the machine learning service components


We recommend saving a backup copy of MySQL database, before you update the services. Learn more in the Docker Guide.

10.Using the Linux terminal, go to the docker-compose catalog with the configured files, for example, /opt/ml/docker-compose.

11.Run the sudo docker-compose stop command to stop the service component containers.

12.Run the sudo docker-compose pull command in the terminal. Wait until the download of the required service component images from the Docker Hub is complete.

13.Run the sudo docker-compose run dbmigration command to initialize the database structure. Wait until the command execution is complete.

14.Run the sudo docker-compose up -d command to launch the services.


If your application already has configured and trained data models, we recommend retraining them after updating the service.

See also

Predictive analysis

Machine learning service (development guide)


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