Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Business processes management

Creatio is based on a business process management platform that is fully integrated with BPMN 2.0 business processes. The system provides a wide range of tools for designing, running and monitoring business processes.

Creatio is supplied with pre-configured out-of-the-box processes that represent the best global practices in marketing, studio and service. You can also add and configure your own processes to meet specific needs and requirements of your company.

The BPMN process designer enables you to create business processes of any complexity and structure with data and message streams.

How to create BPMN business processes

Use the process designer to create BPMN business processes.

How to create business processes

Process designer

Process library

How to run BPMN business processes

Creatio business logic often follows a certain process workflow.

Depending on the settings, the process can be started manually by the user (e.g., from the command line or from the sidebar) or automatically, based on certain specified events (e.g., when adding or changing a record, or when a field contains a specific value).

The system automatically prompts the required steps and guides the user through the necessary path during the process.

How to run a business process

How process actions are performed

How to resume a process

How to complete or cancel a process instance

BPMN process monitoring

All the steps performed during the process are stored in the system to control and ensure effectiveness. The built-in analysis tools enable you to find bottlenecks in the processes for future optimization.

Monitoring business processes

Process log


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