Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Set up the ConnectionStrings.config file

The ConnectionStrings.config file is located in the Creatio website folder, e.g., C:\WebAppRoot\Creatio. Use the following parameters in the ConnectionStrings.config file:

db – the element that ensures connection with the database. In this element, you configure the path to the database you need to establish connection with and the method of authorization on the database server.

<add name="db" connectionString="Data Source=[The database server name];
Initial Catalog=[The database name];
Persist Security Info=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
[Authorization method on the database server]; Pooling = true; Max Pool Size = 100; Async = true" />

redis the element that ensures interaction with the Redis server.

<add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Computer name];db=[Redis DB number];port=6379;
maxReadPoolSize=10;maxWritePoolSize=500" />


The number of Redis database must be unique for each application site.

defPackagesWorkingCopyPath – the path to the working copy of application (if version control system is used):

<add name="defPackagesWorkingCopyPath" connectionString=[Path to the working copy of application in version storage system (SVN)] />

tempDirectoryPath – path to the temporary directory used by the package installation mechanism:

<add name="tempDirectoryPath" connectionString=[Path to the temporary directory used by the package installation mechanism] />

sourceControlAuthPath – path to the authorization data of the version storage system (SVN, if used):

<add name="sourceControlAuthPath" connectionString=[Path to the authorization data of the version storage system (SVN)] />

elasticsearchCredentials – ElasticSearch authorization data for the global search operation:

<add name="elasticsearchCredentials" connectionString="User=[The ElasticSearch user name]; Password=[The ElasticSearch user password];" />

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