Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Deploying Creatio .NET Core application on Linux

The following software components are required to deploy a .NET Core Creatio application on Linux:

1.Database management system (DBMS). PostgreSQL 11 and up are supported.

2..NET Core version 3.1

3.GDI+ compatible API for non-Windows operating systems

4.Development libraries and header files for GNU C

5.Redis Server 3.0 and up

The general procedure for Creatio application on-site deployment is as follows:

  • Deploy Creatio caching server (Redis). Read more >>>

  • Prepare Creatio setup files. Read more >>>

  • Deploy Creatio database server. Read more >>>

  • Modify the ConnectionStrings.config file. Read more >>>

  • Deploy Creation application server. Read more >>>

  • If you are going to run Creatio from the local machine directly:

Install .NET Core, GDI+ compatible API for non-Windows operating systems, and Development libraries and header files for GNU C. Read more >>>

Run Creatio application server. Read more >>>

  • If you are going to run Creatio from a Docker container:

 Make Redis accessible from the Docker container. Read more >>>

 Install Docker. Read more >>>

 Create a Dockerfile. Read more >>>

 Build and run Docker image. Read more >>>

Please note that the specifics of the deployment procedure may vary, depending on the chosen DBMS.


The procedure for running PostgreSQL in Docker is covered in the Docker documentation.

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