Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Section Wizard FAQ

What is the maximum number of sections that can be added to the system?

How do I delete a custom section or detail?

How do I connect a detail to a section?

How to configure section cases

What is the maximum number of sections that can be added to the system?

There are no restrictions on the number of sections that can be created in the system. It is recommend to weigh the need of creating a new section carefully, to avoid a decline in system performance in the future.

How do I delete a custom section or detail?

To delete a custom section or detail in bpm’online, you need access to the system configuration tools and its database.


Before delete custom detail/section, unlock the corresponding detail/section in the SVN storage.

First, delete the database records. Use the following script to delete a detail:

DECLARE @Caption nvarchar(max);
 SET @Caption = 'ToDelete';
select @UId = EntitySchemaUId from SysDetail
where Caption = @Caption
delete from SysDetail where EntitySchemaUId = @UId

Replace the “ToDelete” value with the detail schema name, which you can view in the [Advanced settings] of the System Designer. After deleting data from the database, delete the custom detail schema in the [Configuration] section. The [Advanced settings] in the System Designer allow to delete the object of the deleted detail.


If a section was created based on the object that must be deleted, this section must be deleted first.

The section deletion process is similar to deleting a detail, but more records must be deleted from the database. Use the following script:

DECLARE @Name NVARCHAR(max) = 'ToDelete';
select @UId = UId from SysSchema where Name Like @Name
select @ModuleEntityUID = Id from SysModuleEntity where
SysEntitySchemaUId = @UId
select @ModuleID = Id from SysModule where SysModuleEntityId = @ModuleEntityUID;
delete from SysModuleInWorkplace where SysModuleId = @ModuleID;
delete from SysModule where Id = @ModuleID;
delete from SysModuleEdit where SysModuleEntityId = @ModuleEntityUID;
delete from SysModuleEntity where Id = @ModuleEntityUID;
delete from SysDetail where EntitySchemaUId = @UId;
delete from SysLookup where SysEntitySchemaUId = @UId;
delete from [Lookup] where SysEntitySchemaUId = @UId;

Please note that the “ToDelete” value must be replaced with the custom section schema name. After deleting database records, delete section custom schemas in the [Configuration] section (localted under [Advanced settings]) in the following order:







How do I connect a detail to a section?

To connect a detail to a section, you need to go to the [Page] tab in the Section Wizard and click the [New detail] button. In the detail connection window, in the [Detail column] field, select the column of the object by which it will connected to the object of the current section. For the [Contacts] section, for example, that will be the [Contact] column. In the [Object column] field, select the section object column used for connecting detail records to section records. In most cases, this is the [Id] column.

How to configure section cases

Setting up cases is performed via Case Designer. Enter the Section Wizard and click [Cases] tab or enter the section click the [View] button and select [Set up section cases] option. More information about the case management is available in a separate article.


Configure main properties of the section before you start configuring cases.

Video tutorials

Section Wizard

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