How to give access to sections
To give access to a section:
1.Open the [Object permissions] section by clicking the corresponding link in the system designer.
2.In the section list, select the necessary object, for example, “Opportunity”. The [Managed by operations] option must be enabled for your object. If this option is disabled, select the corresponding checkbox in the [Managed by operations] column for your object. Please note that turning this option on may take some time.
3.Go to the [Access to object] detail.
4.Click the [Add] button on the toolbar. On the opened page, add the role that you want to give the section access rights to. For example, select the “Sales managers” role.
As a result, the “Sales managers” role will be added and the users included in that role will be able to read, add, modify and delete the data in the [Opportunities] section. If you want to set restrictions for any of those operations, for example, to deny deletion of records, select the corresponding option.
If some of the users are included in more that one role (for example, when an employee has more that one job title) they will be granted permissions of the role that is higher in the list.
For example, an employee is included in the “Sales Managers” and “Sales Support Managers” at the same time. The users included in the “Sales Support Managers” users can read the [Opportunities] section, and the users included in the “Sales Managers” have the permissions to perform all operations. To give the maximum permissions to the selected user in this case, move the “Sales Managers” roles up above the “Sales Support Managers” role in the list. As a result, the user will be given access to the [Opportunities section] in line with the “Sales Managers” access settings and not the “Sales Support Managers” ones.
To move the roles in the list, use the [Up] and [Down] buttons of the detail toolbar.
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