Studio Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to configure detail page

The set up of the edit page of the detail record is performed in the detail page designer (Fig. 1). If there is a page for the selected object, you can just edit it.


If the detail contains pages for records of various types, you can edit them using the detail wizard. To do this, select the needed type in the [Page] wizard step.

Detail page designer (Fig. 1) has three blocks:

  • Use the [Add new column] block to add columns that are missing within the detail object.

  • Use the [Add existing column] block to add columns that exist within the object.

  • Use the right area of the wizard to edit page layout.

To add fields on the detail page, drag the corresponding columns and drop them into the right area of the wizard. Modify their width and place them in the right order. In a separate window, specify the caption of each field and set the other field parameters if needed.

Fig. 1 – Detail page wizard



When you add a new detail for any section, it is important to add a column to connect the detail to the section.

After setting up the detail page, save the detail. Once you saved the settings, you can add the detail to a new section or an existing one using section wizard.

See also

How to configure detail properties

How to set up the start of the business process for detail record.

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