Creatio development guide
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

WorkspaceConsole parameters

Glossary Item Box


The WorkspaceConsole utility is designed to work with Creatio packages. Use the utility to:

  • Export packages from development environments and migrate them to test environments or production environments (the packages are saved as archives).
  • Install new packages when upgrading or migrating from development environments.
  • Import and export schema resources and data for localization.
  • Create and transfer workspaces between applications.
  • Work with configuration schemas.

Because the WorkspaceConsole utility is multifunctional, it must be run with certain parameters. Parameter values are passed as command-line arguments when the utility starts. Parameters are used to configure WorkspaceConsole to perform specific operations. Utility parameters are not case sensitive.

WorkspaceConsole parameters

The -help parameter

Run WorkspaceConsole with this parameter to see the full list of parameters with their brief description. If you specify other parameters, they will be ignored.

The -operation parameter

Specify the required operation name here. This parameter is required. The default value is LoadLicResponse. Possible method parameters are listed in table 1.

Table 1. WorkspaceConsole parameters

Operation Description
LoadLicResponse Saves licenses to the database (specified in the connection string). The only operation that does not require the -workspaceName parameter.
SaveRepositoryContent Saves the contents of zip archives specified in the -contentTypes parameter from the directory specified in the -sourcePath parameter to the directory specified in the -destinationPath parameter.
SaveDBContent Saves database content to the file system. Content type is determined by the contentTypes parameter value. The destinationPath parameter is used to specify the path in a file system. One of the following parameters must be specified: -webApplicationPath or -configurationPath. The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.
SaveVersionSvnContent Saves the package hierarchy (zip-archives) to the destinationPath directory from several SVN repositories, separated by commas in the sourcePath parameter.
RegenerateSchemaSources Performs the regeneration of source codes and their compilation. The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.

Saves the latest version of the SVN structure and metadata into the database. Bound SQL-scripts, source code regeneration, and bound data installation are performed if necessary. This parameter only works with new or modified packages and their elements. One of the following parameters must be specified: -webApplicationPath or -configurationPath. The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.

InstallBundlePackages Installs the set of comma-separated packages specified in the -packageName parameter to the workspace specified in the -workspaceName parameter. One of the following parameters must be specified: -webApplicationPath or -configurationPath. The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.
PrevalidateInstallFromRepository Checks if zip archive package installation is available.
ConcatRepositories Merges multiple repositories.
ConcatSVNRepositories Merges multiple SVNrepositories.
ExecuteProcess Starts the business process execution in the configuration (if the process is found). The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.
UpdatePackages Updates the packages (the -packageName parameter) that are located in the product package hierarchy (the -productPackageName parameter) in the application database. One of the following parameters must be specified: -webApplicationPath or -configurationPath. The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.


Compiles the workspace (configuration). Used for developing schemas in VisualStudio (see: “Working with the server side source code”). The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.


Compiles the workspace (configuration) entirely. Used for developing schemas in VisualStudio (see: “Working with the server side source code in Visual Studio”). The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter must be specified.
UpdateWorkspaceSolution Updates the Visual Studio project solution and files (see: “Working with the server side source code in Visual Studio”).
BuildConfiguration Generates static content in the file system (see: "Client static content in the file system"). Uses the following parameters: -workspaceName, -destinationPath, -webApplicationPath, -logPath, -force. If the -force parameter is set to “true”, static content is generated for all schemas. If the -force parameter is set to “false”, static content is generated for modified schemas only. One of the following parameters must be specified: -webApplicationPath or -configurationPath.

It is necessary to execute the operation BuildConfiguration after the operations InstallFromRepository, InstallBundlePackages, UpdatePackages (for versions above 7.11).

The -user parameter

Authorization username. Only specified if this information is missing from the configuration utility file or if it is necessary to perform the operation on behalf of another user.

The - password parameter

Authorization password. Only specified if this information is missing from the configuration utility file or if it is necessary to perform the operation on behalf of another user.

The -workspaceName parameter

The name of the workspace (configuration) used to perform the operation.

The -autoExit parameter

Used to automatically terminate the utility process after the operation is completed. Available values – true or false. Default value – false.

The -processName parameter

The name of the process that needs to start.

The -repositoryUri parameter

The SVN directory path for storing the package structure and metadata (optional). Overrides the same configuration property specified in the -workspaceName parameter.

The -sourceControlLogin parameter

SVN repository username.

The -sourceControlPassword parameter

SVN repository password.

The -workingCopyPath parameter

Local directory of working package copies, stored in SVN.

The -contentTypes parameter

Content type (for example, resources) extracted from packages. Possible values are listed in table 2.

Table 2. Possible content type values

Content type Description
SystemData System diagram data in JSON format. All system schemas and their columns are saved (except for those specified in the -excludedSchemas parameter).
ConfigurationData Configuration schema data in JSON format. All system schemas and their columns are saved (except for those specified in the -excludedSchemas parameter).
Resources Resources of localizable configuration schemas in XML format.
LocalizableData Resources of localizable configuration schemas in XML format. Only text columns are saved. Additional restrictions are specified in the -excludedSchemas and -excludedSchemaColumns parameters.
Repository Workspace data in zip format.
SqlScripts Package SQL scripts.
Data Both system and configuration data in JSON format. A combination of the SystemData and ConfigurationData values.


Localizable object data.
All All content types.

The -sourcePath parameter

Local disk catalog path with the necessary data (e.g. packages, schemas, resources). This paramater can take several comma-separated values for the ConcatRepositories and SaveVersionSvnContent operations.

The -destinationPath parameter

Local disk catalog path for the necessary data (e.g. packages, schemas, resources).

The -webApplicationPath parameter

The Creatio application path. This path is used by the ConnectionStrings.config file to read database connection data. If this parameter has not been indicated, the connection to the database specified in the connection string of the utility configuration file will be established. If this parameter has been indicated, the connection will be established with the database specified in the ConnectionStrings.config file of the Creatio application.

For BuildWorkspace, ReBuildWorkspace, and UpdateWorkspaceSolution operations, the -webApplicationPath parameter must contain the path to the Terrasoft.WebApp folder.

The -configurationPath parameter

Path to the Terrasoft.Configuration subfolder in the application folder. For example, C:\creatio\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration. In this folder, source codes and resources of custom package schemas are exported in the file system development mode.

The -filename parameter

File name. This parameter is required for the LoadLicResponse operation.

The -excludedSchemas parameter

Names of excluded schemas.

The -excludedSchemaColumns parameter

Names of excluded schema columns.

The -excludedWorkspaceNames parameter

Names of excluded workspaces.

The -includedSchemas parameter

Names of forcibly used schemas.

The -includedSchemaColumns parameter

Names of forcibly used schema columns.

The -cultureName parameter

The language culture code. Required if you use the Resources and/or LocalizableData values of the -contentTypes parameter.

The -schemaManagerNames parameter

Names of schema managers. Default value – EntitySchemaManager.

The -packageName parameter

The workspace package name (optional parameter). The package is specified in the -workspaceName parameter. Please note that all dependent packages will used as well. If this parameter has not been indicated, all workspace packages will be used.

The -clearWorkspace parameter

Indicates whether the workspace needs to be cleared before updating. Available values – true or false. Default value – false.

The -installPackageSqlScript parameter

Indicates the need to execute SQL scripts before and after saving the packages. Available values – true or false. Default value – true.

The -installPackageData parameter

Indicates the need to install bound data before and after saving the packages. Available values – true or false. Default value – true.

The -updateDBStructure parameter

Indicates the need to update the database structure before and after saving the packages. Available values – true or false. Default value – true.

The -regenerateSchemaSources parameter

Indicates the need to regenerate source codes after saving the packages. Available values – true or false. Default value – true.

The -continueIfError parameter

Indicates the need to abort the installation process upon encountering the first error. If the parameter value is true, the user will receive the error list once the installation is complete. Available values – true or false. Default value – false.

The InstallFromSvn and InstallFromRepository operations work with new or modified packages and their elements. The system compares the new and modified package structures to identify modified element. If the user runs a command (e.g. InstallFromSvn) without specifying the continueIfError=true key and receives an error, the command will restart for same configuration without errors, but also without modifying the database. This happens because the previous operation synchronized the package structures and storage of the specified configuration, and the current operation does not have any modified elements.

The -skipCompile parameter

Indicates the need to perform a compilation phase. Works only if the -updateDBStructure parameter value is false. Available values – true or false. Default value – false.

The -autoUpdateConfigurationVersion parameter

Updates the configuration version valuw to the Creatio application version in the database. Available values – true or false. Default value – false.

The -warningsOnly parameter

The WorkspaceConsole utility only reports detected errors. Available values – true or false. Default value – false.

The -confRuntimeParentDirectory parameter

Path to the parent catalog of the conf directory (see "Client static content in the file system" and "Server content in the file system"). This directory is usually located in the Terrasoft.WebApp catalog of the deployed application. The parameter is used for compiling or startic content generation operations:

  • RegenerateSchemaSources
  • InstallFromRepository
  • InstallBundlePackages
  • UpdatePackages
  • BuildWorkspace
  • RebuildWorkspace
  • ExecuteProcess

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