How to set up the list of tracked events
Website event tracking function is available only in Marketing Creatio.
To record information on customer's website activity:
1.Determine which website events you need to track.
2.Set up a list of tracked website events in Creatio.
Which website events can be tracked in Creatio
You can track almost any activity on your website. Tracked website events include adding products to cart, successful authentication, viewing a product page, searches and banner clicks. The website activity information stored on the lead and contact pages depends on the list of tracked events. There are two types of events:
Page link clicks, such as opening a product page.
Page item clicks, such as clicking the “Add to cart” button. The system identifies the item by its class, unique ID, and jQuery selector.
How to set up tracking of link clicks
You can track clicks to any page of your websites. This enables you to gather information on page views, such as product page views. Enter the address of each page in Creatio to obtain a history of page views:
1.Open the System Designer, for example, by clicking the button at the top right corner of the Creatio page. Click the [Website event tracking] in the [Import and integration] block.
2.Click the [New website event] button.
3.On the opened page:
a.Enter the website event name.
b.Select the “Page visit” website event type.
c.Select the [Active] checkbox to enable tracking of the event.
Website events that you do not need to track any more (such as events for outdated pages) cannot be deleted because they are referenced in the website event history. Clear the [Active] checkbox to disable tracking for an outdated event.
d.Enter the URL of the page to track on the [Event tracking setup] tab e.g., https://www.с or https://www.с
4.Save the page. Add the remaining pages in the same manner. As a result, the event history for all pages with the [Active] checkbox selected will be saved for leads and corresponding contacts.
A separate event must be set up for each website page.
How to set up tracking of clicks
You can track clicks on any page item on your websites. Website events for page item clicks usually imply clicking buttons, such as social media sharing options or adding products to cart. You can set up website events for page item clicks in three ways:
By item class, for tracking the same event for all page items of the same class.
By unique ID of a page item. In this case, you need to set up separate event tracking for each tracked page item.
By jQuery-selector. Use this option to track the same event for all page items with the same style. The website developer usually performs this setup.
How to set up tracking page items by unique ID
Use the tracking by unique ID option if the website layout uses unique IDs. To do this:
1.Use your web browser function to view the source code of the item that needs to be tracked on your website (Fig. 1).
Below is setup example for the Chrome browser. The procedure for viewing the source code depends on the web browser used.
Fig. 1 Viewing source code example
2.Select the item’s unique ID in the source HTML code and copy it to your clipboard. For example, the item selected on Fig. 2 is the “edit-submit“ item.
Fig. 2 Example of page item ID
3.Open the system designer, for example, by clicking the button at the top right corner of the application. Click the [Website event tracking] in the [Import and integration] block.
4.Click the [New website event] button.
5.On the opened page:
a.Enter the event name.
b.Select the “Element click” event type.
c.Select the [Active] checkbox to enable tracking of the event.
Website events that you do not need to track any more (such as events for outdated pages) cannot be deleted, because they are referenced in the website event history. Clear the [Active] checkbox to disable tracking for an outdated event.
d.Select the “By Id” option in the [How to identify elements] field;
e.Paste the page item ID from clipboard in the [Element identifier] field.
Save the page. Creatio will start tracking clicks on this page item as a result. You can view tracking results on the [Website events] detail of the corresponding leads and contacts.
How to set up tracking page items by class
Use tracking by class option if the website layout uses classes. To do this:
1.Use your web browser function to view the source code of the item that needs to be tracked on your website (Fig. 3).
Below is setup example for the Chrome browser. The procedure for viewing the source code depends on the web browser used.
Fig. 3 Viewing source code example
2.Select the item’s class in the source HTML code and copy it to clipboard. For example, the item selected on Fig. 4 is the “demo-button“ class.
Fig. 4 Example of page item class
3.Open the system designer, for example, by clicking the button at the top right corner of the application. Click the [Website event tracking] in the [Import and integration] block.
4.Click the [New website event] button.
5.On the opened page:
a.Enter the event name.
b.Select the “Element click” event type.
c.Select the [Active] checkbox to enable tracking of the event.
Website events that you do not need to track any more (such as events for outdated pages) cannot be deleted, because they are referenced in the website event history. Clear the [Active] checkbox to disable tracking for an outdated event.
d.Select the “By class” option in the [How to identify elements] field.
e.Paste the page item class from the clipboard to the [Element identifier] field.
Save the page. This will enable Creatio to save the history of clicks for all buttons of the same class. You can view tracking results on the [Website events] detail of the corresponding leads and contacts.
See also
•How to set up website event tracking