How website event tracking works
Website event tracking function is available only in Marketing Creatio.
To set up website activity tracking, you need to perform a few of preliminary settings in Creatio, then paste the tracking code into the HTML source code of each page on your website. As a result, Creatio will receive information about all redirections of potential customers to your website and their activity.
Website event tracking uses service hosted on Creatio cloud.
What kind of customer information can be gathered via the tracking code
Tracking code is triggered each time a customer performs a tracked activity on your website. For example, when a customer clicks the “Add to cart“ button, clicks a link to a public event page or adds a product to a wish list. In addition, after landing pages are set up, Creatio will record activities (website events) that customers perform before and after filling out the landing page form. The list of website events is saved in the lead and corresponding contact history (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Website events on the [History] tab of the contact page
The tracking code enables you to identify the source of each lead generated when someone completes a landing page registration form on your website.
Using cookies to track website events
The tracking code generates “BpmTrackingId” cookie files, which store unique customer session IDs. This enables Creatio to gather information about customer's website events, both before and after actual registration.
Tracking website events while using Content Security Policy
Content Security Policy is a mechanism that uses a policy which determines safe sources of website resources and sets the rules of their usage to protect a website. To enable CSP for a landing, configure the web server to prompt the client to select which resources to download and what source they should be downloaded from. Downloading files from sources that are not whitelisted will be blocked.
In order to efficiently track website events while using Content Security Policy, allow downloading resources from the domain with the deployed Creatio application (including the GeneratedObjectWebFormService.svc service) in the settings of the landing’s web server.
See also