Service Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Change page

The change page consists of the field group containing general data, and several tabs.

Common data

General information about change.


Brief description of the change.


Detailed description of the change.


Current status of the change. For example, "New" or "In progress".


Relative importance of the current change.


Number of the change. Creatio automatically generates numbers in accordance with a specified pattern. Use the “Change number pattern” system setting to customize the automatic numbering of the changes. This is a non-editable field.


The name of the employee who is responsible for change implementation.

Assigned team

A group of employees who are responsible for change implementation. The field lookup contains the list of administration objects: users and user groups. You can customize user groups as the elements of the organizational structure in the [Roles and users] section.

The [Classification] tab

The tab contains information about the classification feature of the change.


The goal of the change. For example, "Innovations and improvements" or "Adjustments"


Change category. For example, "Standard" or "Emergency".


Release that is connected to the change.


The source according to which the change was implemented. For example, "Customer" if the change was registered by reason of the case or "Legislation" if the change assumes regulated corrections.


The user who registered the current change.

Reported on

Date and time when the change was registered. The field is non-editable and is filled in automatically with the current date and time.

Configuration items

A list of configuration items connected to the change. This detail displays information from the [Configurations] section. To connect a configuration item to change, fill in the [Change] detail on the [History] tab of the configuration page.

If you click the [New] button, a lookup window will open, where you can select one or several configuration items that should be connected to the change.

To remove a configuration item from the list, select the [Delete] option.

Provided services

A list of services connected to the change. This detail displays information from the [Services] section. To connect a service to a change, fill in the [Changes] detail on the [History] tab of the service page.

If you click the [Add] button, a lookup window will open, where you can select one or several services that should be connected to the change.

To remove a service from the list, select the [Delete] option.


A list of cases that are the source for the current change. from the [Cases] section. To connect a case to a change, fill in the [Change] field on the [Resolution] tab of a case page.

Once the [New] button is clicked, a lookup window will open, where you can select one or several cases that should be connected to the change. To remove a change from the list, use the [Delete] option.


A list of problems that are used as a source for the current change. from the [Problems] section. To connect a problem to a change, fill in the [Change] field on the [Resolution] tab of the problem page.

If you click the [New] button, a lookup window will open, where you can select one or several problems that should be connected to the change. To remove a problem from the list, select the [Delete] option.

The [Execution] tab

The tab contains summary information about the change.

Due date

Planned date of change completion.

Estimated working time (hours)

Planned time required for change completion.

Parent change

The change that includes the given change. For example, for the "Server upgrading" parent change, subordinate "OS upgrade" and "Memory boost" changes can be registered in the system.

Actual end date

Actual date of change completion. The systems fills in this field automatically when the change moves to its final stage ("Closed" or "Canceled").

Actual working time (hours)

Actual working time that was required to complete the change.


Tasks that are connected to the current change. This detail displays information from the [Activities] section. To connect an activity to a change, specify the [Change] field on the [Connected to] fields group of the activity page.


To connect an email to a change, fill in the [Change] field on the [Connected to] detail of the email page.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab contains additional information about the change, as well as attachments and links to the web resources related to the change. Read more >>>


Use this detail to store files and links related to the change. For example, you can add documents or useful links connected to the change.


The detail is used to store additional text information about the change. You can edit and organize your lead notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the change page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved.

The [Feed] tab

The [Feed] tab displays the messages connected to the current change.  

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