Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to connect incoming emails to existing cases

Creatio processes emails that were received in the process of case resolution. All incoming emails regarding a certain case will be connected to it automatically. If an email is connected to a resolved or pending case, its status will be changed to “Reopened”.

The following conditions must be met in order to connect an incoming email to an existing case:

  • The email address of the recipient is in the [List of email addresses for case registration] lookup.

  • The subject of the email contains the case number of an existing case;

  • The matching case is not in the final status.


The system identifies the case number in the subject of an incoming email according to the [Case number mask] system setting. If a case was created with a different number mask, it will not be connected to incoming emails. For example, if the current case number mask is “SR-{0}”, and the system has an open case with number “SR_2”, the email that has “SR_2” in its subject will not be connected to this case. A new case will be created instead.


The final case status can be set up in the [Case statuses] lookup.

After connecting an email to a case, the system will once again check case status. If the case is in the “Resolved” or "On hold" status, it will be changed to “Reopened”.


Case status can be set up in the [Case statuses] lookup.

See also

How to create incidents from incoming emails automatically

“Junk” case registration setup

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