Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to create incidents from incoming emails automatically

If an incoming email cannot be connected to an existing case, Creatio creates a new case based on the incoming email. To enable automatic registration of cases based on incoming emails, you need to configure a number of settings.

This occurs if any of the following is true:

  • The email address of the recipient is in the [List of email addresses for case registration] lookup.

  • The email address from which the letter was received is in not the blacklist;

  • The email subject does not contain a case number;

  • The email subject contains a case number, but no corresponding case can be found;

  • The email subject contains a case number, but the corresponding case is in its final state i.e., “Closed” or “Cancelled”.

  • If the email address from which the letter was received is in the blacklist, and if the system is configured to check the unwanted messages and automatically assign them the status specified in the [Junk case default status] lookup.


The system identifies the case number in the subject of an incoming email according to the [Case number mask] system setting.


Case final status can be set up in the [Case statuses] lookup.

How to Identify the contact for an automatically created case

An automatically created case is connected to the contact who sent the email and to the legal entity specified on the contact's page. The system matches the sender's email to the communication options of existing contacts. Wherein:

  • If a contact with the same email address is found, it is specified in the [Contact] field of the automatically created case. If an accountlegal entity is specified on the contact's page, then the automatically created incident is also connected to this accountlegal entity.

  • If the sender's email address is not found, the system automatically creates a new contact with the sender's email address. The new contact is specified in the [Contact] field of the automatically created case.

The [Preferred language] field on the page of such contact will be populated. The field will contain the same language as the one specified in the settings of the support service mailbox where the original case email was received.


The [Automatically create new contacts for unknown email addresses] system setting enables creating a new contact when registering a case from unknown email is defined by Automatic registration of new contacts is enabled by default.

See also

How to connect incoming emails to existing cases

“Junk” case registration setup

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