Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The product page

The product page contains the set of the general data fields, as well as the page tabs.

Common data

General information about the product.


The product name. When adding a new product, the [Name] field is filled in automatically with the values of the [Product category] and [Product type] fields. You can modify the product name at any time.

Available for

Select the type of client that can purchase this product. For instance, Contact.

The [General information] tab

The tab contains data on product availability and requirements.

General information

Product code

Identifier of the product. The product code is often used, for example, if two products have the same name.


By default, the product has one of the following three statuses: "In development", "Current" or "Outdated". When you select the "Outdated" status, the [End date] field is filled in with the current date.

Insurance company

Legal entity that is providing the insurance product. This field is not available for non-insurance products.

Contract date

Date of the insurance contract for this product. This field is not available for non-insurance products.

Contract number

Number of the insurance contract for this product. This field is not available for non-insurance products.

Start date

The dates that determine the period, during which the product is available.

End date


Product category, such as "Financing" or "Bank cards". This field is not displayed on the product page, but it is displayed in the list.


Types of products offered within the current category. This field is not displayed on the product page, but it is displayed in the list.

Product details

The [Product details] detail is used for storing the conditions under which the product can be provided to a client. Different products have different sets of conditions. Use the different tabs of the [Product details] page to specify customer parameters, product features, requirements, and other product details.


This value in this field is generated automatically, based on the product name and start and end dates.

Start date

Date, starting from which the product conditions become valid.

End date

Date, starting from which the product conditions are no longer valid.

 The [Product bundle] tab

The tab contains the names of the product bundles in which the current product is included. Product bundles are records of the Products section with the “Product bundle” category.

To add a service bundle, click the [+] button and select the required bundle.

Product bundle

The name of the product bundle.


Product category, to which the bundle belongs.


Product type, to which the bundle belongs.

The [Products] tab

This tab is displayed on the page of the product bundle and is designed for storing the list of products that are included in the bundle.

To add products to a bundle, click the [+] button and select the required products.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab is used to store additional information about the product, related files, and links to web resources.


Use this detail to store files and links related to the product. For example, here you can add a link to the product overview.


This detail is designed for storing comments about the product. You can edit and organize notes and if you switch to another tab of the product page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved. For more information about working with attachments and notes please see this article.

The [Feed] tab

The [Feed] tab displays messages related to the product.

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