How to set up a landing page for adding contacts and other records in bpm’online
When you add a new record in the [Landing pages and web forms] section, you can select one of the default web forms: a lead or an event participant registration (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Selecting a default web form
However, you are not limited the default web forms. In fact, you set up a landing page web form for adding records of any kind, including contacts and accounts.
To set up a landing page for adding a custom record:
1.Add a new type of landing page to the “Landing types” lookup.
For example, to create a web form for new contact registration, add a new record in the lookup and select the “Contact” object in the [Object] field. Working with lookups is covered in a separate article.
2.After adding a new web form in the “Landing types” lookup, use the Section Wizard to add a new type of record in the [Landing pages and web forms] section. To open the Section Wizard, go to the [Landing pages and web forms] section, and in the [View] menu select [Open section wizard] (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Adding a new record type in the Section Wizard.
Working with the Section Wizard is covered in a separate article.
For example, to set up a contact registration form, add a new page on the section settings step and select the new landing type. Click the [Add] button to add a contact registration form in the [Landing pages and web forms] section.
3.Add a new record in the [Landing pages and web forms] section. To do this:
•Click the [New] button and select the form that you set up: “Contact registration form”.
•Fill out the opened landing edit page.
•Set up default values for the required fields on the [Default values] tab. If any of the required fields is not filled in on the web form, these fields will be filled in with the values that you set up here,
•Save the record.
4.After adding a new landing page record, set up mapping between the web form on your website and bpm’online. To do this:
•Edit the unique HTML code.
•Add the modified code to the source code of the landing page on your website.
The procedure for mapping a landing page web form to bpm’online is covered in a separate article. The article covers mapping of the [Leads] section fields. Fields from other sections are mapped in a similar way. Editing the unique HTML code and adding the modified code to the website source code are similar, regardless of the section used by the landing page.
See also
•How to create a landing page on your website
•How to add a new record in the [Landing pages and web forms] section
•How to connect your website landing page to bpm’online
•How to set up mapping of custom fields between a landing page and bpm'online