Sales Creatio, team edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to set up mapping of lookups and other non-text fields

Landing page web forms may use non-standard fields, such as radio buttons or drop-down lists with lookup records.


The settings below are performed by the website administrator.

To set up mapping of web form radio buttons to bpm'online fields:

1.Add a hidden field to the landing page html-markup. The id value of this field can be custom:

<input type="hidden" id=" idOfRadiobutton" />

2.In the “fields” block of the bpm'online landing page code, set up mapping between the lead field and the new hidden field:

"UsrField": "#idOfRadiobutton"

3.The value, selected with a radio button, must be passed to the hidden field created earlier. Add an expression that contains this value to the landing code before the fragment that calls the create lead function (createLead):

var idOfRadiobutton = $('input[name=name_of_your_radiobutton]:checked').val();

4.Save the changes.

To map web form drop-down lists to bpm'online fields:

1.Add a hidden field to the landing page html-markup. The id value of this field can be custom:

<input type="hidden" id="fieldId" />

2.In the “fields” block of the landing page code, set up mapping between the lead field and hidden field:

"UsrField": "#fieldId"

3.Before calling the lead creation function, the value selected in the list must be calculated and passed to the hidden field created earlier. Add an expression that contains this value to the landing code before the fragment that calls the createLead function):

var fieldId = $("#name_of_dropdown option:selected").text();


4.Save the changes.

After modifying these settings, the data entered on the web form via radio button and drop-down lists will be passed to the bpm'online lead page.

See also

How to create a landing page on your website

How to add a new record in the [Landing pages and web forms] section

How to connect your website landing page to bpm’online

How to set up mapping of custom fields between a landing page and bpm'online

How to set up autofill for lead page fields not filled in by the customer

Landing page setup FAQ

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