marketplace development guide

Developer workspace

Glossary Item Box

Developer workspace is a Marketplace section designed to manage applications, templates and Marketplace services.

Before you start registering your first application, populate the up-to-date information about you and your company. You can learn how to do it in the “Developer profile setup” article.

You need to deploy a Creatio application to be able to develop a Marketplace solution. Learn how to request a cloud-deployed Creatio application from a Developer Workspace in the "Ordering development site” article.

After you finish developing the application functionality or the Marketplace template, test it using a separate Creatio application. We recommend using the free 14-day Creatio trial to test the newly developed functions. Learn how to transfer a functionality to the test site in the “Testing a Marketplace Application” article.

As soon as you take a decision to publish an application or a Marketplace template, register it in the Developer workspace. You can learn more about this process in the “Application registration in the Developer console” and “Template registration” articles.

The final step is publishing the application or the template in the Marketplace. You can learn about the publication process from the “Publishing applications” article.



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