Creatio development guide
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.10.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to add auto-numbering to the edit page field

Glossary Item Box

One of the typical configuration tasks is the setup of auto-numbering for a specific field of the edit page. The examples may be the [Documents], [Invoice], and [Contracts] sections where a newly created document receives an automatically generated number of a certain format.

To implement the auto-numbering task, we recommend to override the onEntityInitialized base virtual method and call the getIncrementCode method of the BasePageV2 card base schema in it.

The getIncrementCode method has two parameters:

  • [callback] — a function to be called after a response from the server. The server response must be passed to the field which requires assigning the automatically generated value;
  • [scope] — the context where the [callback] function will be called (unrequired parameter).

To use the auto-numbering mechanism, two system settings must be added:

  • [Entity]CodeMask — an object number mask,
  • [Entity]LastNumber — the current object number,

where [Entity] — the name of the object for whose column the auto-numbering will be used, for example, InvoiceCodeMask (Invoice number mask) and InvoiceLastNumber (Current invoice number).

For the auto-numbering to operate, not only on the client side but also on the server side (for example, to implement tasks for the bpm'online system integration with other systems), the [Before Record Adding] event handler must be added to the object for whose column the auto-numbering will be used. The following number generation parameters must be set in the business process. Specify the object schema for which the generation will be performed. Then, call the [Generate Number of Order] action. Finally, pass the generated value to the required column of the object.

Procedure for adding the auto-numbering:

  1. Add system settings for the object number mask and current object number.
  2. Override the onEntityInitialized base virtual method and call the getIncrementCode base method, specifying the field for which the number will be generated.
  3. Add the [Before Record Adding] event handler to the object.

Below is the example of adding the auto-numbering to the edit page field.

Case description

Set the auto-generation in the [Products] section for the [Code] field of the edit page. The product code must be formed as follows — ART_00000. 

Case implementation algorithm

1. Create two system settings

Create the ProductCodeMask system setting with the number mask “ART_{0:00000}” (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. — [Product code mask] system setting

Create the ProductLastNumber system setting (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. — [Current product code] system setting

2. Create the [Products] replacement edit page in a custom package

A replacement client module must be created and the [Edit Page - Product] must be specified as the parent object (Fig. 3).

The procedure for creating a replacement page is described in the article Creating a custom client module schema.

Fig. 3. — Properties of the [Products] replacement edit page

3. Override the onEntityInitialized method in the collection of methods of the edit page view model

Call the getIncrementCode method in the onEntityInitialized method and specify a column for the [Code] auto-generation in its callback function.

define("ProductPageV2", [],
    function () {
        return {
            // Name of the edit page object schema.
            entitySchemaName: "Product",
            details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
            diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[],/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/
            // Methods collection of the view model page.
            methods: {
                // Redefining the Terrasoft.BasePageV2.onEntityInitialized Base method which actuates
                // upon the completion of the initialization of the edit page object schema.
                onEntityInitialized: function () {
                    // The code is generated only if a new item is generated or the existing item is copied.
                    if (this.isAddMode() || this.isCopyMode()) {
                        // Calling the Terrasoft.BasePageV2.getIncrementCode base method which generates a number
                        // based on the pre-set mask.
                        this.getIncrementCode(function (response) {
                            // The generated number is returned to the [Code] column.
                            this.set("Code", response);
                    // The parent implementation of the method is called onEntityInitialized.

4. Add the [Before Record Adding] event handler of the object

For this purpose, the [Product] replacement object must be created:

  • Select a custom package and run the menu item [Add] > [Replacing Object] on the [Schemas] tab.
  • Fill in properties of the new object by specifying [Product] as the parent object.

The [Before Record Adding] event handler must be added to the created object, in the list of events (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. — Event sub-process — [Before Record Adding] event handler

Items of the [Before Adding] event sub-process:

1. [Before Adding] start message — this sub-process will be started when the [ProductInserting] message is received.

2. [Exclusive OR] Gateway from which two flows of the sub-process come:

  • Default flow will be activated only if the passage by the conditional flow cannot be performed. This leg is finished by the [Stop] event .
  • [Code is not Filled] conditional flow, wherein the the [Code] column is verified. Further implementation of the sub-process is possible only if it is filled in:
// Code to be added to the [Condition] field of the conditional flow.

3. Script task [Script task [Set Number Generation Parameters ] — the C# script software code will be executed in it:

// Setting the schema for a number generation.
// GenerateNumberUserTask is the [Generate Number] action.
GenerateNumberUserTask.EntitySchema = Entity.Schema;
return true;

4. [Generate Number] process action — the [GenerateNumberUserTask] system action which directly generates a current sequence number in accordance with the set mask.

5. Script task [Set the Received Number] — the C# script software code will be executed in it:

// The value generated by the GenerateNumberUserTask system action
// is recorded into the [Code] column.
Entity.SetColumnValue("Code", GenerateNumberUserTask.ResultCode);
return true;

5. Save the replacement page schema and publish the replacement object.

When the schema is saved, the object is published and the system web-page is updated, a generated code will be displayed automatically on the product edit page when adding a new product to the [Code] field (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. – Result demonstration

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